Images of the Great Depression
Instructional Suggestions 1.Show all of the slides without comment. 2.Choose one slide for students to silently respond to in a T chart: Observations/Inferences Observations can be verified visually-What do you see in the photograph? Inferences are interpretations requiring further information to be confirmed-What inferences can you make about this photograph? 3. Discuss: -What is the mood of the photo? Justify your answer. -If you had to write a caption expressing in one or two sentences what the picture is about, what would you say? -In your opinion, why did the photographer want you to see this picture? 4. Discuss the additional information found in the notes section. Talk about how the image and the caption work together to help the observer make meaning. Ask: Were any inferences made confirmed? If inferences were not confirmed, how could you go about confirming them?