Flood Task Force Report to the 4th Meeting of the Parties 20 to 22 November 2006 Bonn
Flood Task Force The third MoP called upon UNECE countries to further develop and strengthen transboundary cooperation, including joint strategies and actions for flood protection, prevention and mitigation, and welcomed the offer by Germany to host a seminar to that effect in Berlin on 21–22 June 2004.
Flood Task Force In preparing the seminar the Task Force examined the 2000 UNECE Guidelines on Sustainable Flood Prevention in the light of the practice and lessons learned during the most recent flood events (MP.WAT/SEM.3/2004/4), noting that these Guidelines became the basis for the best practice document on flood prevention, protection and mitigation drawn up under the auspices of the EU Water Directors possible options to further develop and strengthen a common framework for flood protection, prevention and mitigation (MP.WAT/SEM.3/2004/5).
Flood Task Force The seminar in Berlin concluded that the UNECE Guidelines were an effective instrument to guide action on flood management at the local, national and transboundary levels, and that there was no to substantially revise them. recommended to further develop the common pan- European framework on flood prevention, protection and mitigation through continuing work on three major areas: –capacity-building; –policy guidance and advice; –legal instruments and support,
Flood Task Force The Task Force with the assistance of the Legal Board concentrated its work on preparing Model provisions on transboundary flood management (ECE/MP.WAT/2006/4) which are presented to the 4th MoP for adoption. A survey of provisions concerning trans-boundary river- basin cooperation in flood protection, prevention and mitigation in national legislation and in bilateral and multilateral agreements was also undertaken. The outcome of this analysis is documented in the explanatory notes of the model provisions.
Flood Task Force Proposed future activities, described in the draft workplan 2007–2009, include –the establishment of networks of expertise, supported by workshops, –further work on policy recommendations and – the implementation of the model provisions.
Flood Task Force Work to be undertaken (Draft Workplan ): The Flood Task Force will transfer the experience and results of the European Network of Expertise on Flood Risk Management to non- EU countries, in order to strengthen their capacity to manage floods and, in particular, to develop flood forecast, systematic risk assessment and disseminate information. To this end, two workshops will be organized in 2007–2009 focussing on flood forecasting and flood risk mapping. Furthermore, the Flood Task Force and the Legal Board will assist Parties and non-Parties in using the model provisions for transboundary flood management. On the basis of legal developments in the region and experience gained in the use of the model provisions, the two bodies will further develop the provisions and their supporting commentary as needed. Proposal by the Netherlands with the support of several other countries to broaden the scope of work to climate change and adaptation.