Park Eunseon Arunoda Basnayake Seo Jonkok Terazono Mashiko Yellow Team
MOUSE 환경수리 연구실 자체세미나 Yellow Team
MOUSE 환경수리 연구실 자체세미나 Park Eunseon Seoul National University-Korea Arunoda Basnayake National University of Singapore Group Leader Other Members Team members
MOUSE 환경수리 연구실 자체세미나 Suh Jongok University of Incheon-Korea Terazono Masahiko Kyoto University- Japan
MOUSE 환경수리 연구실 자체세미나 Choose whole watershed area as study area Simulate with Mouse using rain gauge data of study area Simulate with Hydrobeam using radar data Simulation period is Find flood prevention solutions Title and Work Plan Flood analysis of the Incheon Gyo Watershed using radar data and rain gauge data Title Work Plan
MOUSE 환경수리 연구실 자체세미나 De St. Venant Equation Continuity equation Equations of motion Stability of model MOUSE Basic theory (Pipe Flow) celerity Transport :St. Venant EQ :
MOUSE 환경수리 연구실 자체세미나 Basic theory MOUSE is operated with open channel theory what we usually know and some theory which is redesigned to match some local characteristics. MOUSE is operated with Pressmann slot theory to solve some problem when we analysis MOUSE is operated with Jet theory to enhance a accuracy of minor loss in a pipe network MOUSE Basic theory
MOUSE 환경수리 연구실 자체세미나 Radar data
MOUSE 환경수리 연구실 자체세미나 waste water surface runoff precipitation infiltration evapo-transpiration recovery flow River flow groundwater runoff Hydro-BEAM A layer D layer C layer B layer Geographical Data boundary data elevation data river channel data land use data Climatic Data precipitation temperature observing location 1㎞ 2 Runoff observed Data Hydro-BEAM(Distributed Runoff Model)
MOUSE 환경수리 연구실 자체세미나 Concerning point of finding solutions
MOUSE 환경수리 연구실 자체세미나 Thank you!!!! Yellow Team Rules!!!