CHAPTER 3.1 Services from Natural Ecosystems
Benefits of Natural Ecosystems Ecosystems offer a wide variety of benefits to humans (and the biosphere in general) Some benefits: BenefitExample 1. CulturalRecreation, spiritual 2. ProductsLumber, food, medicine 3. EnvironmentalModerates climate, provides oxygen 4. EconomicJob opportunities, tourism 5. OtherErosion reduction, flood prevention
1. Cultural Benefits Include recreation, aesthetic, education and spirituality Ecotourism- travel/tourism based on natural areas Example: Niagara Falls
Examples of Cultural Benefits: some people go to a lake to enjoy fishing (recreation) The beauty of leaves changing colour (aesthetic) Nature walks to learn about birds (educational) Yoga in the parks to reduce stress (spiritual)
2. Products Every day we use products from ecosystems: Plants give us food, wood, medicine, fabrics, etc Animals give us leather, bones, oils, etc Lakes/oceans give us seafood Aboriginals rely on resources from the environment
Some Common Products ProductOriginal SourceUse LumberTreesConstruction Maple syrupMaple treesFood RubberTropical treesTires, latex gloves WaxesPalm leavesCosmetics HennaPlant extractsDyes
3. Environmental Benefits Producing Oxygen Oxygen is made in photosynthesis Moderating Climates Plants absorb carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide traps heat Changes in carbon dioxide affect the climate (reduces global warming) Filtering Pollutants Some plants act as a filter for air and water
4. Economic Benefits Forestry More than 65% of Ontario is covered with forest Provides people with jobs Makes $11 billion/year Eco-tourism Tourism in an area also creates jobs Example: hotels, restaurants, tour guides
5. Other Benefits Ecosystems protects us from threats like erosion and flooding Roots anchored in the ground reduce erosion Plants absorb surface water so it doesn’t flood