David Brownlee Robertson 1920 – 1944 Flying Officer
David Brownlee Robertson Born August eighth He was the youngest of three children, his brother was Ernest Brownlee Robertson, and his sister was Elizabeth Brownlee (Mrs. McCagherty). His parents were George Robertson and Margaret Robertson. His origin was Scottish. He lived at the Experimental Farm Ottawa Ont. He worked on the farm for one year with his family but never had a full time job. He was a student at Glebe Collegiate. He participated in rowing and football. In 1942 he enlisted for World War two. Not long after, he began elementary flight training.
The Farm Sorry, Its blurry.
Training He attended the 10 th elementary flight school for eight weeks. After this he attended the 25 th flight training school. In December 12 th 1943 he went to the UK Because Canada was the place where all the British Commonwealth countries sent their air force to train so he would have trained with people from all around the world and in some cases, of all ages. The year he enlisted was the year the military rank flying officer (F/O) was created, and the education requirements for enlisting in the air force was lowered. For someone like David that didn't complet college this was a good thing
"We move that these college requierments be discarded and that our flying forces be permited to pick their material wherever they find good material. The object in building up our fighting equipment, is to get planes that can fly better that anyone else's planes, driven by pilots that can pilot and air fight better than anybodyelse's pilots. The possibility that we may pick up some pilots that don't know a cosine from a dodecahedron, or the proper way for a gentleman and an officer to navigate a teacup, is of very minor importance. We bet there are a lot of taxicab drivers who could be turned into swell combat pilots.".~Canadian Air Corps 1942
Journey Through Europe On 20/10/44 he went to Att (Army training test) 136 and got the Basic Military Training Honor Graduate Ribbon. On 15/2/44 he arrived at place called SoGap On 12/3/44 he arrived at Tholthorpe On 29/3/44 he arrived at Frankenbury On 2/5/44 he arrived at 1518 BUT.FLL (no idea what this means) On 30/5/44 Taken on strength to the 16 th, Operational Training unit On 18/8/44 Taken on strength to 31 st Base On 15/9/44 he arrived at 3.AC.S (not sure what this means) On 6/11/44 he arrived at 3LFS (not sure what this means)
Shot down over Hüchel, Germany Buried at Perish Cemetery, Uckerath Unfortunately I could not find a picture of the cemetery Died on December 16 th 1944