Advancing research collaborations: Do we have the ‘tools’? Terri Seddon Monash University, Melbourne ERA 2010 results for ‘FOR13 – Education’ 39% of UoEs were rated at or above world standard
2 Claiming a transnational standpoint
3 Making spaces for transnational knowledge building Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: Interactive Open Access Journal Two-stage publication via scientific discussion forum designed to: foster and provide a lasting record of scientific discussion; maximise the effectiveness and transparency of scientific quality assurance; enable rapid publication of new scientific results; make scientific publications freely accessible. Stage 1: Rapid access to peer review – published on website for public comment, including formal refereeing, creating permanent archive that can be cited. Stage 2: Paper revision and peer reviewing completed and, if accepted, published.
4 Researching research Understanding border regimes & linked ecologies The AARE ACDE project on strategic capacity building for Australian education research The purpose of Task Group 1 is to better understand the ecology of Australian education research as a step towards a research capacity building agenda.
5 Reorienting national(ist) research: Recognising the global in the national space Problematizing the objects and ethics of explanation: From territorially embedded national education systems and schooling To geopolitics of globally distributed learning locales, educational work and knowledge fixing throughout lifeworlds