Poverty in Communities of Color Popular Myths and Real Causes Algernon Austin
Myth: Asian Americans Have a Lower Poverty Rate than Whites
Different Common Poverty Rates All individuals All families All families with children under 18 Of a racial group alone Of a racial group with all other races included CPS, ACS 50% of median family income
Hidden Asian-American Poverty Many Asian-American groups have relatively high family incomes and they also have relatively high poverty rates. Most Asian-American groups actually have higher poverty rates than non-Hispanic whites. The poverty rate for foreign-born Asian and Pacific Islander American families has increased recently.
Myth: Female Single-Parent Families are the Main Cause of Black Poverty
Income Inequality and Poverty Family structure changes have become a less important factor in the national poverty rate over time. If we had less income inequality we would have much less poverty. If Hispanic and black female single parents earned as much as white men with similar levels of education they would have much lower poverty rates.
Myth: Education is All That is Necessary for Eliminating Hispanic Poverty
Education is Necessary But Not Enough It is very important that we increase the educational attainment of Hispanics and blacks. Hispanics, blacks and Asians often earn less than whites at the same education level. It is likely that many foreign-born Hispanic and Asian adults will not be able to increase their educational level. –These groups require non-educational poverty reducing policies
What Are Good Poverty Reducing Policies for People of Color?