Case Study Analysis Four sites: Mandurah, Eaton-Australind, Peppermint Grove Beach and Siesta Park-Marybrook Temporal and spatial elements included Real options framework adopted Results are perhaps not as important as the process Adaptation options that provide significant net benefits from protection were identified for all sites
Case Study Two - Siesta Park-Marybrook
Moving Forward PNP acknowledged that each member council would take the report back to their respective councils for their consideration. Recommendations were put forward. That Councils; Adopt the report for information and further action as outlined. Agree to participate in a delegation to the premier and/or the appropriate State Minister to present the report, seek formal acknowledgement of the report and ask what the state’s role will be in relation to this matter. Specific requests will include; repository / central database of current reports, data and modelling should be established and made available to local governments; ownership of coastal protection assets to be clarified; and request funding to address limitations highlighted in report.
Moving Forward Agree to reconvene in February 2013 to further discuss individual Council responses to the report, and prepare for the delegation to the Premier and/or respective State Minister. Agree to review the draft Communications Strategy which will be presented upon at the February meeting. Agree to consider the report ‘confidential’ within the member Councils until further discussion is had at the February meeting with respect to a public release strategy. Agree to continue the Peron Naturaliste Partnership given its obvious value to the region recognising that there are many other projects that the group could develop which would benefit the nine communities represented.
Questions / Thank-you Joanne Ludbrook Peron Naturaliste Partnership Climate Change Adaptation Coordinator Craig Perry Peron Naturaliste Partnership Project Officer