CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design Monday, August 24 CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design Slide 1 of 13
Course Outline Monday, August 24 CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design Course Web Page: mercury.pr.erau.edu/~bruders mercury.pr.erau.edu/~bruders Canvas Canvas o Please set the Time Zone in CANVAS to Arizona (NOT EASTERN TIME ZONE) in two places (go to Settings): – First when you first enter CANVAS, and then for each course Required Textbook: Fundamentals of Logic Design, 7th Edition by Charles H. Roth and Larry L. Kinney Fundamentals of Logic Design, 7th Edition Software provided by CD in textbook: o LogicAid: Manipulating logic functions o SimUaid: Graphical simulation of digital circuits o DirectVHDL: A VHDL editor and compiler Slide 2 of 13
Course Outline Monday, August 24 CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design Lectures: (Section 01) When: M/W/F 9:00 a.m. – 9:50 a.m. Where: KEC Rm 131 Office hours: Office hours When: M/W/F 10 am – 11 am & M/W 3 pm – 4 pm Where: KEC Rm 108 Help Session: When: Monday 4 pm – 5 pm Where: KEC Rm 130 Slide 3 of 13
Course Outline Monday, August 24 CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design Instructor: Dr. Stephen Bruder Dr. Stephen Bruder Office: King Eng. Center Rm. 108 Teaching Assistants (graders): Emily Davy: Lauren Kruszewski: Slide 4 of 13
Course Outline Monday, August 24 CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design Course Description Introduction to logic design and interfacing digital circuits. Boolean algebra, combinatorial logic circuits, digital multiplexers, circuit minimization techniques, flip-flop storage elements, shift registers, counting devices, and sequential logic circuits. Slide 5 of 13
Course Outline Monday, August 24 CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design Course Description Combinational Digital Logic o Number systems o Binary arithmetic o Logic gates o Logic operations o Arithmetic operations o MSI components (Encoders, decoders, MUX,...) Slide 6 of 13
Course Outline Monday, August 24 CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design Course Description Sequential Digital Logic o Flip-Flops o State machines o State diagrams o Timing o Registers, shifters, and counters o Basic control unit Introduction to VHDL o A basic introduction to hardware definition languages (specifically VHDL) o VHDL design of Combinational & Sequential Circuits Slide 7 of 13
Course Outline Monday, August 24 CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design Grading Scheme Twelve Homework Assignments: 25% Twelve Homework Assignments o Your lowest hwk grade will be dropped o Must show work – Providing only the answer is insufficient!! o Homework assignments may include an optional BONUS QUESTION o Example of a hwk assignment (assignment #1)assignment #1 – Be sure to print and staple the fist page of the assignment to your hwk submission – Engineering paper may help with neatness, however, it is not manditory o The work you submit MUST be your own!! Slide 8 of 13
Course Outline Monday, August 24 CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design Grading Scheme Three Mid-Term Exams: 15% each (total 45%) Three Mid-Term Exams o A single 8.5” X 11” cheat-sheet will be allowed in exams o No notes, no textbook, no computers Final Exam: 30% o Date/Time: Tue, Dec 8 o A single 8.5” X 11” cheat-sheet will be allowed in exams o No notes, no textbook, no computers o Potential exemption??? All Exams will be cumulative!!! Slide 9 of 13
Course Outline Monday, August 24 CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design Class Schedule Reading assignments for each lecture Schedule is subject to change Slide 10 of 13
Introduction to Digital Logic: What is Digital Logic? What is Digital Logic? The basis for all digital systems!! Monday, August 24 CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design (Intel) ? For Example Computers Slide 11 of 13
Introduction to Digital Logic: Monday, August 24 CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design Moore’s Law Chip complexity ~doubles every two years beloit.edu Xilinx FPGA: Virtex-Ultrascale XCVU440 has > 20 billion transistors Slide 12 of 13
Introduction to Digital Logic: Monday, August 24 CEC 220 Digital Circuit Design Top 30 Innovations over the last 30 years 18 of these are tied to Digital logic Slide 13 of 13