I NCLUSIVE E XCELLENCE Liberal Education and America’s Promise January 2016 Workshop University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
I NCLUSIVE E XCELLENCE : C OMMON L ANGUAGE Diversity Individual differences (e.g., personality, learning styles, and life experiences) and group/social differences (e.g., race/ethnicity, class, gender, LBGT identities, country of origin, and ability as well as cultural, political, religious, or other affiliations) that can be engaged in the service of learning. Source: American Association of Colleges and Universities
I NCLUSIVE E XCELLENCE : C OMMON L ANGUAGE Inclusion The active, intentional, and ongoing engagement with diversity—in people, in the curriculum, in the co- curriculum, and in communities (intellectual, social, cultural, geographical) with which individuals might connect—in ways that increase one's awareness, content knowledge, cognitive sophistication, and empathic understanding of the complex ways individuals interact within systems and institutions. Source: American Association of Colleges and Universities
I NCLUSIVE E XCELLENCE : A LL S TUDENTS C ONTEXT Making excellence truly inclusive requires a continuous pursuit of institutional excellence in order to ensure that all students enjoy the benefits of an engaged liberal education. Source: American Association of Colleges and Universities
I NCLUSIVE E XCELLENCE : UW S YSTEM B UILDING INDIVIDUAL AND I NSTITUTIONAL C APACITY, A UGUST 7 & 8, UW-Whitewater Institutional Goals Enhance Institutional culture to have constituents internalize the idea that Inclusive Excellence (IE) is relevant to everyone. Increase compositional diversity for students, faculty, and staff. Build capacity to enhance and sustain a culture of Inclusive Excellence. Aspiration: All of our graduates can thrive and succeed in diverse environments. Achieve a higher level of compositional diversity Faculty/staff to mirror student body Students to mirror surrounding area Curriculum diversity initiatives to be in place throughout the departments and colleges Students will have explicit identity and cultural development experiences Develop and apply tools to measure growth in intercultural development for students, faculty, and staff Members of UW-Whitewater can demonstrate an ability to articulate insights about their own identity in multiple contexts Expand diversity learning to include social class and employment status
I NCLUSIVE E XCELLENCE AT UW-W HITEWATER : P ROGRESS, C HALLENGES AND R ESOURCES Key LEAP team project development resources: UW-W Inclusive Excellence Website UW-W Inclusive Excellence Assessment Guidelines UW-W Diversity Rubric UW-W Goals and Aspiration AAC&U Inclusive Excellence Resources
I NCLUSIVE E XCELLENCE : T EAM D ISCUSSION 1. What are the most important aspects of inclusive excellence that you will need to consider in design of your LEAP project? 2. What are the most significant diversity/IE related challenges and opportunities posed by your project? How will you address these considerations? 3. Your initial thoughts about assessment. How will you know that you’re making progress? 4. As you think about your project and the questions posed above, what are implications for your team’s learning? Incorporate into your action plan.
A CHIEVEMENT G AP : C HALLENGES (D ILLIAN & K RAMER, 2015) STUDENT Stereotype threat Early cognitive and non-cognitive experiences Family structure K-12 educational disparities Identity development Digital divide Token status Microagressions Few positive role models in disciplines
A CHIEVEMENT G AP : C HALLENGES (D ILLIAN & K RAMER, 2015) INSTRUCTOR Unconscious bias White privilege Degree of student centered instruction Assessment style Degree of multicultural knowledge Use of culturally relevant pedagogy
A CHIEVEMENT G AP : C HALLENGES (D ILLIAN & K RAMER, 2015) INSTITUTION Faculty and staff diversity Admissions and standardized testing Access to majors Class size Campus climate Campus support programs
F ACULTY D EVELOPMENT /A CHIEVEMENT G AP S TRATEGIES (D ILLIAN & K RAMER, 2015) Include culturally relevant content (Waye and Harper, 2007) Address students feelings of intimidation by faculty and staff (Anaya and Cole, 2001) Connect students with opportunities for supplemental instruction (Lockie and Van Lanen, 1994) Teach effective work group strategies to support student success in the course (Stranger-Hall, et. al., 2010). Practice inclusive teaching strategies (Haaket, et. al., 2011). Include teaching assistants in the process of reform (Oneil, Wright, Cook, et. al., 2007).