IDM(RTI Triangle 1) Former Mental Model
IDM - Stats
Current State SIAC Goal Type Goal 80% of K-5 and 6-12 students receiving intervention services will be At Standard (k-5) or receive a passing grade (6-12) in English, Math, Social Studies, and Science
SIAC Goal…Reflective Questions Do we want goals that are deeper than passing grades—the why questions? Why is a student failing? Those conversations need to happen frequently based on data—this is the work of our collaborative teams and our administrators.
Looking at Data
Learning Resource Center—Point Learning Strategies—integrates reading--Point HS 540 HS 360 Credit Recovery (HS and Point) Supported Math in HS and Point Success Center (HS) Alternative HS Kirkwood HS Completion Learning Resource Center—Point Learning Strategies—integrates reading--Point HS 540 HS 360 Credit Recovery (HS and Point) Supported Math in HS and Point Success Center (HS) Alternative HS Kirkwood HS Completion
At-Risk/At-Promise Grade – 1 st semester Total Students MaleFemaleCaucasianMinority Juniors53240 Seniors Sophomores21120
At Risk/At-Promise Grade – 2 nd Semester Total Students MalesFemalesCaucasianMinority Sophomore10110 Junior64260 Senior
At-Risk/At-Promise Alternative High School Data st Semester 17 credits were earned by juniors 80 credits were earned by seniors 6 credits were earned by sophomores 2 seniors graduated 2 nd Semester 30 credits were earned by juniors 57.5 credits were earned by seniors 8.25 credits were earned by sophomores 13 seniors graduated
Suspension Center Data Alternative HS PHS Point104 (middle school) Creek (6 th grade) No data available 3810 EdgeNo data available
At-Risk/At-Promise Reflect on the Data New Lens--flipping the triangle upside down New People, New Perspectives Different perspectives cause new questions (Just Like the State…DE) New Lens--flipping the triangle upside down New People, New Perspectives Different perspectives cause new questions (Just Like the State…DE)
Future State Constant Collaboration and PL Focus on core instruction with differentiation from formative assessments, targeted interventions, then to intensive work as needed Questions—Reflections? Constant Collaboration and PL Focus on core instruction with differentiation from formative assessments, targeted interventions, then to intensive work as needed Questions—Reflections?