SAT, End of Course, SAT, End of Course, & Advanced Placement RESULTS2014 October 14, 2014 Dr. Rodney Thompson, Superintendent Dr. Kevin O’Gorman, Associate Superintendent of Instruction and Accountability
What is the difference between the ACT and SAT? About 57% of students take the ACT and 70% take the SAT (obviously, some take both) in SC. The ACT is an achievement test, measuring what a student has learned in school. The SAT is more of an aptitude test, testing reasoning and verbal abilities. The ACT has up to 5 components: English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and an optional Writing Test. The SAT has 3 components: Critical Reading, Mathematics, and a required Writing Test.
SAT Components The SAT is a national college admission and placement examination consisting of three parts: Critical Reading; Mathematics; and Writing. All scores range between 200 and 800. The writing test was added for the graduates of 2006 and is not optional for test-takers.
TRENDS in the Number of ACT and SAT Test Takers Berkeley County School District
End of Course Exam Program(EOC-EP)
End-of-Course Examination Program (EOCEP) The Education Accountability Act of 1998 requires the development of end-of-course examinations in gateway or benchmark courses. The program is called End-of-Course-Examination Program (EOCEP). The examinations, which count 20 percent of the students’ final grade in each gateway or benchmark course of: Algebra 1/Math for the Technologies 2; English 1; Biology, and U.S. History and the Constitution.
Biology I
Advanced Placement (AP)
Advanced Placement Courses & Exams “The AP Program currently offers more than 30 courses across multiple subject areas. Each course is developed by a committee composed of college faculty and AP teachers, and covers the breadth of information, skills, and assignments found in the corresponding college course.” “The AP Examinations…represent the culmination of college-level work in a given discipline in a secondary school setting. Rigorously developed by committees of college and AP high school faculty, the AP Exams test students' ability to perform at a college level.”