Chapter 6 – Sexuality and Society Roderick Graham
Sex as Biology and Sex as Culture Biological… Sex refers to the biological characteristics that separate females and males. These biological characteristics can be placed into two categories - primary and secondary sex characteristics. Cultural… People in different cultures show sexual affection as well as have sex in different ways.
American Views About Sexuality Americans can be contradictory about their views on sex Sexual Correctness Individualism
The Sexual Revolution The 1960’s brought a change in Americans’ views on sex: Alfred Kinsey made sexuality a topic of public discussion with his studies on sexuality. Youth began to express themselves sexually in public The birth control pill allowed sex to be more spontaneous
Understanding Sexual Orientation (pp. 157)
Sexual Issues and Controversies Teen Pregnancy America has the highest rate of teen pregnancy of all high income countries Weak families increase the likelihood of teen pregnancy The sexual revolution did not raise the rates of teen pregnancy (they were higher back then) Pornography Sexually explicit material intended to cause sexual arousal People think pornography is immoral Some argue that pornography increases violence against women
Sexual Issues and Controversies Prostitution The selling of sexual services Prostitution is greatest in poorer countries where women have a difficult time making a living There are several classes of prostitutes Call GirlsMassage Parlor WorkersStreet Walkers
Sexual Issues and Controversies Sexual Violence: Rape and Date Rape Generally rape has less to do with sex, and more with the desire to hurt or psychologically dominate Most rape is NOT done by strangers 2/3 of rapes done by acquaintances