Learning Language for Language Teaching a.a – 2016 Semester 1 Lesson 6 05/11/15
HOMEWORK 1. Background Reading: Council Of Europe 2. Course Booklet : (yes, you can still write it!) write up today’s lesson; reflect on the implications levelling may have on your teaching 3. Start thinking about your first Assignment
Today’s lesson 1. Our course / Your diaries 2. The Teacher 3. Teacher Language
Our Course
Our lessons and classwork Your background reading Course material (Moodle) Your homework You me Us Your Course diary
The learner - lessons 2, 3, 4 & 5 The teacher - lessons 6 & 7 The classroom - lessons 8 & 9
Lesson 6 : The Teacher
What is a teacher?
Your first writtten task: ‘What makes a Good Teacher?’ loves his / her job / is enthusiastic / passion is able to communicate his / her love of the subject is kind / is patient / is respectful / is responsible / caring establishes a relationship of mutual respect has good communication skills / spirit of co-operation is open-minded / aware / assertive / flexible has no class favourites / is fair / is supportive / harmony is competent / qualified / dedicated / knowledgable is engaged / motivating / encouraging / optimistic is strict / inspires confidence not fear / balances strictness and easy-going attitudes 1
Your first writtten task: ‘What makes a Good Teacher?’ is a guide considers the level of his/her students is a good observer is organised / is a good lesson planner is good at time management uses different types of material and varies his / her lessons / is good at using technology / is up-to-date / resourceful is creative /clarity provides a behavioural model provokes curiosity
A teacher knows everyone can learn and everything can be learnt. Teaching is an uninterrupted circuit of giving and receiving. Good teaching is made up of creativity, joy, support and competence. Trust is the key element. A teacher is a student among students, only with more life experience. A teacher has a fundamental role in building active citizenship. A teacher should admit his/her own limits and be willing to grow professionally.
Why these answers? One possible reason.
Article: Exploring Teachers’ Beliefs and the Processes of Change ‘The most resilient or ‘core’ teachers’ beliefs are formed on the basis of teachers’ own schooling as young students while observing teachers who taught them.’ Subsequent teacher education appears not to disturb these early beliefs, not least, because it rarely addresses them. Richards, Gallo & Renandya (2001)
Article: The distinctive characteristics of foreign language teachers Dr. Simon Borg University of Leeds (2006) Being a foreign language teacher is in many ways unique within the profession of teaching. Becoming a foreign language teacher, too, is a different process from that which other future teachers experience. This reality is rooted in the subject matter of foreign language itself. In foreign language teaching, the content and the process for learning the content is the same. In other words, in foreign language teaching the medium is the message. Hammadou & Bernhardt (1987:302) 2
Double Trouble ALL TEACHERS have to know their subject have to know how to teach their subject LANGUAGE TEACHERS have to know how to use their subject (i.e. language) have to know how to teach their subject (i.e. language) while using their subject
What do language teachers actually do? design a syllabus; plan lessons; prepare materials; keep registers; mark homework, study, attend training sessions, TEACH THEIR LESSONS etc interact with students; deal with discipline; act as guide, mentor, tutor; pass on Culture, culture and knowlegde etc deal with general administration; write reports & references; attend staff meetings; meet parents etc 23 TEACH EDUCATE ARE PART OF AN INSTITUTE
studentscolleagues head teachers institute staff parents other professionals 4 …have to deal with a LOT of people a LOT of the time!
A place to start YouTube Classroom observation with John Bayley e.g. Independent Learning in English
Learning Language for Language Teaching Learning the Language of Language Teaching
Language Teaching
Craft Cognition Communication
Making a Getting closer to the Language of the Discourse Community of Teaching
Get into groups of 4
Craft = Cr. Cognition = Cog. Communication = Com.
Assignment 1 1.Find a teacher 2.Design an interview 3.Interview the teacher 4.Design an observation sheet 5.Observe the teacher (at least twice) 6.Meet the teacher for lesson feedback 7.Write up your assignment 8.Deadline Thursday 15 January 2015 The teacher
1. The distinctive characteristics of foreign language teachers : Dr. Simon Borg University of Leeds 2. Watch a seminar by Luke Meddings at seminars/20-steps-teaching-unplugged
HOMEWORK cont’d 3.Start making your personal glossary - a good place ot start would be ‘An A-Z of ELT’ 4. Classroom observation with with John Bayley 5. Write up the lesson in your course diary "Teaching with Bayley" classroom observation / peer observation