MICE CM38 Alain Blondel CB report 1 Report from the MICE collaboration board.


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Presentation transcript:

MICE CM38 Alain Blondel CB report 1 Report from the MICE collaboration board

MICE CM38 Alain Blondel CB report 2 MICE collaboration board meeting Napa, California, Tuesday 25 February 2014 Agenda Presence and proxys Actions and minutes from previous collaboration board meeting Matters arising and Adoption of agenda Spokesperson's remarks & Executive Board report – Ken Long (20 min) -- Collaboration organigram(s) -- proposal for the review of the MICE constitution Project Manager's report - Preece (10 min) Shifts for data taking and MOM policy - Blondel/Boyd (15 min) Publication policy (Soler) UK approval/funding update - Soler (10 min) Other funding updates (5 min) INFN - Bonesini Switzerland - Blondel US DOE (MAP) - Palmer US NSF - Hanson/Kaplan Common fund report –Stefania (5 min) Future CM datesFuture CM dates (5 min) CM39 CM40 proposal - Domizia AoB 18 present + proxy, 13 absent, (some verification needed) adopted 

MICE CM38 Alain Blondel CB report 3 Spokesperson report Executive Board summary: -- Zoe Bowden (ISIS operations group leader) as ISIS representative -- Roumen Tsenov as second EU rep. EB investigating new means of funding -- Horizon 2020 EU European Training Network (Marie Curie Fellowships) Bonesini coordinator + Stefania Ricciardi MICE is a remarkable training ground involving accelerator and particle physics ! -- NSF bid for US university groups EB Initiate review of collaboration charter to account for MIPO MEMO etc... involve four external reviewers Management of MICE construction project and operations (see MICE-note 437) MIPO and MEMO meet every two weeks. Effort will be made to inform collaborators of actions of these groups. Not surprisingly the planning outlines the lack of manpower

MICE CM38 Alain Blondel CB report

ISIS support for MICE operations: Negotiating support for MICE operations from ISIS Operations Group: – Concept: MICE can draw on ISIS teams – MICE must: Contribute with: – Personnel; and – Money(!)

MICE CM38 Alain Blondel CB report 6 Project manager report issues addressed: -- LHe requirements and Logistics -- large amounts of LHe (and ~150k£!) needed for commissioning: magnets training and system training -- and significant spending on support for operations -- Plan to bring up magnets -- Jaroslaw will prepare the plan with appropriate help -- No off-field run 

MICE CM38 Alain Blondel CB report 7 Summer field-off run ISIS user run finishes 22 August 2014; shut-down until 17 March (NB some run-up earlier) Field off run foreseen in stepIV run plan; check simulataneous operation of detectors, alignments methods, reconstruction etc... Four weeks needed (20 July  20 August) Field off run requires mounting in the all of USS and DSS with tracker inside + PID detectors South return yoke must be installed beforehand In present state of affairs, the installation of the south return yoke is precisely in July-August.The field-off run is likely to be postponed to MICE restart in In the hope that some gain (or reduction of uncertainties) can be made on the schedule to allow the field-off run this summer, the Collaboration board unanimously approved a motion that The decision to cancel (or not) the 2014 field-off run will be made on 31 March 2014.

MICE CM38 Alain Blondel CB report 8 Shift policy see draft document on meeting indico. Document will undergo some changes before ratification by CB MOM represent 390 days in addition  890 shifts/year All institutions must satisfy their institutional and personal shift quotas defined by MICE Collaboration Board or related collaboration guidelines. expect approximately : 5 ISIS user runs of 5 weeks 5 days a week. 2 shifters at all times; hrs a day 4/day  ~500 shifts 2015/2016 Who can take shifts? PhD holders and PhD students Fullfilling shift assignment will be requested in order to sign step IV papers. Shift quota per person will be calculated according to run plan. It is an institutional responsibility to cover the shifts assigned. MICE operations coordinator will organize the assignment and accounting of shifts.  tough job! please cooperate! Point was raised of importance to ‘recognition’ of the work of all on-call experts MON shifts and MLCR shifts will be requested and accounted (MOM day = MLCR shift)

MICE CM38 Alain Blondel CB report 9 Publications policy (Paul Soler) NB Notes exist on related subjects: -- guidelines for presentation of MICE results -- guidelines for authorship of papers -- any member of MICE who wants to write a physics paper should contact the Editorial Board (EdB) chair (presently Maurizio) and the Analysis Coordinator (presently Victoria) and agree on the topic of the paper. -- proponents need to present their analysis in MICE collaboration meeting(s) (VC or plenary) (NB this is new wrt draft) -- proponents need to document their analysis as extensive MICE note, with enough detail to check the validity and quality of the results. -- Two referres appointed by the EdB chair will accompany the process to the end. -- agree that drafts are in proper shape to distribute to collaboration -- verify that comments are propely answered and taken into account (at least two iterations of consulting the collaboration are foreseen) -- decision to proceed to publication will be poposed by EdB chair (whether the Exec board or spokesperson needs to agree is under discussion) -- Papers will be posted on the arXiv -- referreeing process with the journal will peformed by the proponents in consultation with EdB chair. Important points:

MICE CM38 Alain Blondel CB report 10 Funding reports INFN – Bonesini Soler reports on ETN proposal, aim to fund 15 PhD studentships, Bonesini PI; Ricciardi Deputy Switzerland – Blondel Risk to studentship on MICE, will emphasize breadth of expertise acquired. US DOE (MAP) – Palmer Increase of funding obtained, though fell short on DOE forecast HEPAP subpanel to review accelerator R&D US NSF – Hanson/Kaplan proposal submitted end 2013 awaiting reaction to proposal towards spring 2014 UK Unchanged, funding request to be submitted in 2015 for an extension of MICE money towards step V/VI

MICE CM38 Alain Blondel CB report 11 Future CM dates: CM39: At RAL: week of the 26 June—29 June 2014 Start on wednesday morning, finish on Saturday lunchtime CM40: at Roma3, proposal by Domizia October (Sun-wed)  CM41: 09th to 13th February 2015 CM42: 22nd to 26th June 2015 CM43: 05th to 09th October 2015 CM44: 15th to 19th February 2016 CM45: 20th to 24th June 2016 CM46: 03rd to 07th October meeting/year abroad among those dates

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