In-vivo Device for Measuring and Adjusting Lap-Band Pressure John Huidekoper Mark Fritz Chris Schroeder Andrew Koivuniemi David Mayhew ©Bill Watterson Advisors: Dr. Robert Roselli Dr. Thomas Rauth
Background Information Obesity in United States Sources of help Gastric Bypass Lap-Band Source:
Reasons for Design Choices Problems Device Failure Leaks (Maude Database) Patient Pain No Constant Pressure Fixes Implantable Pump Autonomous Control as well as Non-Invasive Control
Ideas we’ve tossed out External control Still have problems with the port Patients could unhook the device if uncomfortable = defeating the purpose
Ideas we’ve tossed out Syringe pump Dead space behind it No mechanical advantage The ones out there are too large for implantation
Basis of our ideas Car-jack Pacemaker Squeezing on fluid bag gallery/models/thumb/CarJackModel.jpg
Current Pump Design
Torque Considerations
Current Pump Design
Motors Stepper motors Provides fine tuning in angular position Good with micro- controller Provides detent torque
Motor Selected Micromo AM 2224 This is a stepper motor Allows for specific positioning and micro control 23 mm diameter 4 cm long Max Torque
Gearing Advantages Increased Torque Increased Precision Disadvantage Occupies Space Less Efficient Tried to make our own Problem- Small Gears are very expensive
Our Gears Gearhead Attaches to the front of the motor Increases the torque several orders of magnitude (1000:1) Does increase motor length to 7 cm
Necessity of Pump Control Desired Curve Pressure Adjustment Loss of Pressure
RF Control Chip Negative Feedback Control Pressure Drop in Lap-Band Pressure Transducer Detects Changes Data Processing of Multiple Readings Chip Determines Necessary Volume Pump Changes Volume Of Saline in Lap-Band -
Bag to Hold Saline Saline-Filled Bag Exploring several options: 1) Bag Material 2) Bag Fabrication Prototype Pump -Easily disassembled -Experiment with bag designs
Progress Summary Pump Design Pump Fabrication Electronics (Chip, Pressure Transducer, Battery, Motor Control) Bag Design/Fabrication NCIIA Grant