12 Great Olympians
Zeus (Jupiter) Zeus, Poseidon, Hades drew lots to determine realms of power Hades – underworld Poseidon – sea Zeus – “supreme ruler” & lord of the sky
Zeus (Jupiter) Zeus – most powerful of the gods More powerful than rest combined Not omnipotent / omniscient Could be opposed/deceived Constantly seducing mortal women Angers Hera (wife)
Zeus (Jupiter) Demanded more than sacrifice “right action” Remember, Zeus is Justice for ALL, not just the wealthy/”beautiful people” Symbol – eagle (bird), oak (tree)
Hera (Juno) Zeus’ wife / sister Symbol – peacock (bird), cow “protector of marriage” Punishes women who Zeus seduces, and sometimes their offspring Even if Zeus tricked/deceived the mortal woman Venerated (revered) in all homes (particularly married homes) Symbol – peacock (bird), cow
Poseidon (Neptune) Ruler of the sea Symbol – horse Zeus’ brother, 2nd only to him in eminence Gave 1st horse to man As revered for this as for being god of the sea (Greeks were seafarers) Symbol – horse
Hades (Pluto) Ruler of the underworld (Zeus’ third brother) Lord of the dead Power over “precious metals” hidden in the earth Rarely left Hades (also name for the realm he ruled over) Not as welcome in Olympus Just, not evil Had to rule over & “judge” spirits of the dead NOT “death” itself (Thanatos / Orcus)
Pallas Athena (Minerva) Daughter of Zeus ALONE (not Hera as well) Sprang “fully grown, in full armor” from Zeus’ head Goddess of the City handicrafts agriculture Zeus’ favorite child
Pallas Athena (Minerva) Embodiment of wisdom, reason, purity City – Athens Olive – tree Owl - bird
Phoebus Apollo Son of Zeus God of Light God of Truth Master musician (greatest musician in Olympus) Archer (bow) Healer (god of healing/medicine)
Phoebus Apollo Delphi Foot of Mt. Parnassus Oracle Vital to mythology “center of the world” Priestess answers questions of pilgrims while in “trance” Direct link between gods & men @ Delphi
Phoebus Apollo “Sun-god” Actually Helios, not Apollo Laurel – tree Dolphin & crow – animal
Artemis (Diana) Apollo’s twin sister Huntsman-in-chief to the gods Protector of youth Moon (Phoebe/Selene & Luna) to Apollo’s sun (Helios)
Artemis (Diana) Three forms? Selene in the sky Artemis on earth Hecate (goddess of magic) in the lower world Cypress – tree Deer – animal
Aphrodite (Venus) Goddess of Love & Beauty Daughter of Zeus (?) “sprung from the foam of the sea”(?) Depicted as soft, “weak” (battle stories) Treacherous/malicious Wife of Hephaestus Myrtle – tree Dove – bird (sparrow & swan too?)
Hermes (Mercury) Messenger God God of Commerce & the Market Master Thief God of Commerce & the Market Protector of trade Son of Zeus & Atlas’ daughter Winged sandals, Cadeuceus (wand, now symbol of medicine)
Ares (Mars) God of War Son of Zeus & Hera (appropriate, given their “combative” marriage) BOTH parents “detested” him “Mars” more loved/honored than “Ares” cultural Little more than a “symbol of war” in mythology No cities / temples to worship him Vulture – bird Dog - animal
Hephaestus (Vulcan and Mulciber) God of Fire Son of Zeus & Hera (Hera alone?) Some accounts have H. as the “Athena” of Hera’s creation (fully formed from her) Alone among the gods as “ugly” / deformed “honored by the gods “workman of the immortals” Armorer & smith Often his “forge” is under a volcano (science explanation) Patron of “handicrafts” w/Athena honored in cities
Hestia (Vesta) Zeus’ sister Virgin goddess (Artemis & Athena) Goddess of the Hearth Symbol of the home No real “personality” Each city had a hearth sacred to Hestia