R 18 G 65 B 145 R 0 G 201 B 255 R 104 G 113 B 122 R 216 G 217 B 218 R 168 G 187 B 192 Core and background colors: 1 © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014 R4-77AH-IoT-0136 WF for NB-IOT Receiver characteristics
R 18 G 65 B 145 R 0 G 201 B 255 R 104 G 113 B 122 R 216 G 217 B 218 R 168 G 187 B 192 Core and background colors: 2© Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014 This contribution captures the intial agreements for NB-IOT transmitter characteristics which were endorsed in RAN4 NB-IOT Ad-Hoc in Budapest. Background information for agreements can be found from listed references. This contribution also lists topics that needs further discussion in next meeting. REFERENCE: R4-77AH-IoT-0059, NB-IOT UE RF aspects, Nokia Networks Background
R 18 G 65 B 145 R 0 G 201 B 255 R 104 G 113 B 122 R 216 G 217 B 218 R 168 G 187 B 192 Core and background colors: 3© Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014 Receiver spurious emissions: reuse the existing requirements NB-IOT Receiver characteristics agreements
R 18 G 65 B 145 R 0 G 201 B 255 R 104 G 113 B 122 R 216 G 217 B 218 R 168 G 187 B 192 Core and background colors: 4© Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014 NB-IOT UE Maximum input level shall be -25 dBm ACS -Level comes from Co-existance simulations -What kind of interferers BW are used. 200 kHz and/or 5 MHz and what offset? REFSENS -Baseline is HD-FDD CAT-0 MTC REFSENS for which BW correction factor (I.e. from 5 MHz REFSENS to 200 kHz REFENS) is applied and affect of new RMC is taken into account All blocking requirements (In-band blocking, out of band and so on) -We need to consider scenarios Out-of band blocking -Investigate If LTE OOB-bocking requirement can be relaxed what is the benefit for example for cost, size and battery life. Justification for the relaxation should be provided in terms of system performance degradation due to relaxed OOB-blocking specification. Narrowband blocking Intermodulation Spurious response NB-IOT Receiver characteristics open issues