Example Case Study Format Be sure to review before beginning
Work Environment Table I Physical spaceManagement Styles PeopleProcedures or other not used Other Specific location, example R & D Lab, Building 1 Then list hazards you found Managers Are not following rules for safety (example) How they interact with employees All that are involved with your audit Example: R & D employees, R & D Manager, VP R & D and what each role is in OSH R & D employees are not wearing protective eye goggles -- Example If you need to add a column for whatever else, please do so
Occupational Health and Safety Strategic Plan for (your organization) WHOWHATWHEREWHENOTHER R & D HEADCreate policy for protective equipment and disciplinary measures All R & D labsWithin one week; then team meetings on a weekly basis to train Assess the training results Example
Executive Summary Be sure to add your one to two pages (can be single spaced) executive summary. Add any references, interview sources.