Electrolysis Electrolysis Simulation
Observations from the BCE 6.3 Describe the change in amount of metal on each electrode. How are these changes related? What flows from the + electrode in the external circuit via the wire? What causes the direction of the flow? What flows from the + electrode in the solution? What is the mechanism/process that transfers the amount of metal from one electrode to the other? Describe the action that causes the metal ions to plate on to the – electrode. Write a chemical equation that summarizes your explanation. Describe the action that causes the metal ions to plate on to the + electrode. Write a chemical equation that summarizes your explanation.
Summarize the BCE Experiments What metals were used in the experiment you set up in the BCE? What variables effect the change in the amount of metal plated on the negative electrode? How did these variables effect the change?
Data From BCE 6.3 Current (amps) Time (sec)Zn (65.38 g mol -1 )Fe (55.85 g mol -1 ) Ag ( g mol -1 ) 3 amp g0.52 g2.01g 3 amp g0.26 g1.00 g 2 amp g0.35 g1.34 g How does the amount in grams of the metal depend on current and time?
Proportionalities Time vs. Amount: Current vs. Amount:
Amount Observe the particulate level representation at the cathode and the anode for the silver/silver and the iron/iron system. Electrolysis Simulation Electrolysis Simulation How are the animations the same and different?
Data From BCE 6.3 Current (amps) Time (sec)Zn (65.38 g mol -1 ) Fe (55.85 g mol - 1 ) Ag ( g mol - 1 ) 3 amp mol mol mol 3 amp mol mol mol 2 amp mol mol
Proportionalities What is the new proportionality equation that represents the relationships between amount, the number of electrons transferred, time and current?
Proportionalities amount α (current * time)/charge To make this an equality find the value of the proportionality constant?
Proportionalities Time vs. Amount (moles): time α moles Current vs. Amount (moles) : current(amps) α moles Charge vs. Amount (moles) : 1/charge(n electrons/ion) α moles
Summary Page Write the summary mathematical equation a couple of different ways. Moles = amps*seconds/(96,500 amp-sec/mol e - )*the number of e - transferred
Clicker Questions CQ1 CQ2
Application/Clicker Question What current (in units of amps) is required to plate out 1.22 g of nickel from a solution of Ni 2+ in 1.00 hour? A) 65.4B) 4.01 x 10 3 C) 1.11D) 12.0E) 2.34
Clicker Question How many minutes will it take to plate out 2.19 g of chromium metal from a solution of Cr 3+ using a current of 35.2 amps in an electrolyte cell? A) 1.92 x 10 3 B) 5.77C) 17.3D) 115E) 346
Variables Time1 vs 42 vs 53 vs 6 Current1 vs 72 vs 83 vs 9 Amount1 vs 24 vs 57 vs 8 Charge1/2 vs 34/5 vs 67/8 vs 9 Fe (55.85)Zn (65.37)Ag (107.87) 3 amp/10 min123 3 amp/5 min456 2 amp/10 min789 Fe (55.85)Zn (65.37)Ag (107.87) 3 amp/10 min mol mol mol 3 amp/5 min mol mol mol 2 amp/10 min mol mol
Proportionalities Time vs. Amount: amount(mols) α time(sec) Current vs. Amount: amount(mols) α current(amps) Current vs. Charge: amount(mols) α 1/charge(n electrons/ion) mols = C x amp x sec/n, C = mols n/amp-sec