NOS PUBLICATIONS PROJECT Background NOAA Administrative Order “NOAA Information Access and Dissemination,” issued September 994 Section 6: Responsibilities, Subsection c, 1-3 c. The NOAA Central Library, as the official repository of NOAA publications, shall: 1.Serve as the information repository for all NOAA scientific and technical publications 2.Provide access to and preserve the published results of environmental research 3.Facilitate the access, dissemination, and transfer of scientific and technical publications and information
BACKGROUND, cont onwards Opportunity for Library Outreach Collaborative effort: NOS Web Team, NOS Programs, NOAA Central Library NOS Team responsibilities Library Team responsibilities
PAM RUBIN, NOS LEAD Project Origins and Purpose Project Process Project Challenges
Decentralized Architecture Procite Databases NOS Office Databases > NOS Database Procite > Filemaker Pro > Lasso Procite > Library Team
ACQUISITIONS Opportunity to provide comprehensive coverage of NOS publications, (NAO ) Online only – need for preservation copy Print or other tangible format only – time to acquire Need for Resources
CATALOGING Records in NOAALINC and OCLC 856 tag - Link from record to actual online resource 793 tag – allows user to search on NOAA Electronic Document (NOS) and NOAA Document (NOS)
ACCESS and DISSEMINATION NTIS GPO Future: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts FirstGov.Gov Expanded Access in FDLP? Others?
FUTURE Authentication issues Electronic Archiving XML for NOAA Publications Suggestions, comments welcome