November 18, 2011David L. Rubin1 CESR Test Accelerator – Investigation of the physics of charged particle beams Circumference = 768m - Beam energy GeV - Electrons and Positrons
November 18, 2011David L. Rubin2 Linear Collider Energy/beam = GeV E CM = TeV
November 18, 20113David L. Rubin Electron cloud
Shielded pickup November 18, 2011David L. Rubin4
Shielded Pickup November 18, 2011David L. Rubin5 With no magnetic field, electrons come from the floor of the chamber
Cloud Evolution: Witness Bunch Studies TiN Chamber November 18, 20116David L. Rubin Cloud is generated by the first bunch. The witness bunch follows and kicks the cloud electrons into the pickup. Decay time of the cloud is evident.
Example: Positron Witness Bunch Study at 2GeV November 18, 2011David L. Rubin7 Peak SEY Scan Coherent Tune Shifts (1 kHz ~ ), vs. Bunch Number - 21 bunch train, followed by 12 witness bunches - 0.8×10 10 particles/bunch - 2 GeV. - Data (black) compared to POSINST simulations. SEY=2.0 SEY=1.8 SEY=2.2 Train Witnesses
November 18, 2011David L. Rubin8 Low emittance tuning procedure typically yields sub 20pm in one or two iterations σ =17μm ε v = 18pm D-line xbsm - positrons
32 Channel Detector Output For 20 Bunches, 1 mA Per Bunch November 18, 20119David L. Rubin C-line – electron beam size 20 bunches,14 ns spacing, 32 channels, pinhole optics Capability to measure bunches spaced by as few as 4ns
November 18, David L. Rubin C-line – electron beam size Joe Calvey – Electron cloud Jim Shanks – Low Emittance Tuning Mike Ehrlichman – Intra-beam scattering CesrTA Grad students
November 18, 2011David L. Rubin11
November 18, 2011David L. Rubin12
November 18, 2011David L. Rubin13
November 18, 2011David L. Rubin14