Neurofibromatosis 1- NF1 BIOL 445 Alexa Schulman Gutmann et al. 2013
NF1 Negatively Regulates Ras Rubin et al. 2005
NF1 is a GAP (GTPase Activating Protein) Lodish et al. Fig. 20-5
NF1 is therefore a Tumor Suppressor What does this mean? Gutmann et al. 2013
NF1 codes for the cytoplasmic protein neurofibromin Gutmann et al. 2013
Neurofibromin is necessary for many developmental pathways
Activation of the RTK pathway leads to increased proliferation and motility of NF1-/- Schwann cells and astrocytes
Tumor formation seems to require the presence of NF1+/- cells or another mutation such as TP53 Rubin et al. 2005
There are many different types of tumors associated with NF1
Neurofibromas are often numerous and removal can be tricky.
NF1-/- cells have increased sensitivity to TRAIL Reuss et al. 2013
References Gutmann, David H., Jaishri O. Blakeley, Bruce R. Korf, and Roger J. Packer. "Optimizing Biologically Targeted Clinical Trials for Neurofibromatosis." Informa Healthcare: Expert Opinion (2013) Reuss, David E., Jana Mucha, Christian Hagenlocher, Volker Ehemann, Lan Kluwe, Victor Mautner, and Andreas Von Deimling. "Sensitivity of Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor Cells to TRAIL Is Augmented by Loss of NF1 through Modulation of MYC/MAD and Is Potentiated by Curcumin through Induction of ROS." PLoS ONE 8.2 (2013) Rubin, Joshua B., and David H. Gutmann. "Opinion: Neurofibromatosis Type 1 — a Model for Nervous System Tumour Formation?" Nature Reviews Cancer 5.7 (2005): Tong, James Jiayuan, Samuel E. Schriner, David McCleary, Brian J. Day, and Douglas C. Wallace. "Life Extension through Neurofibromin Mitochondrial Regulation and Antioxidant Therapy for Neurofibromatosis-1 in Drosophila Melanogaster." Nature Genetics 39.4 (2007):