By Kayla and Barbara
This is a map of the Northeast. It shows the states of the Northeast.
This is fall in Maine. The trees turn different colors. It is so pretty.
Here in Vermont we have a lot of mountains. It also snows a lot here too.
This is the statue of liberty in New York City. New York City is mostly a city of skyscraper
This picture is the Rhode Island sign. Rhode Island is a Ocean State.
Hershey bars are made in Hershey, Pennsylvania. The Hershey factory is a mass production. They make a lot of different chocolate.
Maryland has a lot of actives. This picture shows a person snow boarding on a large mountain.
This fall in New Jersey. It is nice and beautiful. The trees turn different colors.
Enjoy a fabulous day at the beach in Delaware. Delaware is very hot in the summer.
Come to New Hampshire in cornfield Fair maybe they will let you ride their Horse.
This picture shows people riding a sleigh in Connecticut. Connecticut get’s a lot of snow in the winter.
This is the old state house in Boston Massachusetts. Boston is the oldest city in Massachusetts.
Thanks for watch are Scrapbook By Kayla and Barbara!