Jada Bryant and Rueben Cherry Group 7
English Foods In Queen Elizabeth’s era meat was a sign of wealth. During Queen Elizabeth’s era the expansion of sugar use increased. They used the sugar of fruit trees and bee hives. Queen Elizabeth was very unique. People used strange and unusual shapes in their food presentation.
Celebrations & Holidays The first Monday after Twelfth Night of January ( between 7 January and 14 January) was Plough Monday. 2 February: Candlemas, celebrated on the first day of spring. 14 February: Valentine's Day. And the list goes on and on but those are some examples.
Fashion Women's clothing in clouded gowns, hats, corset, underwear, collars, ruffs, and shoes. Women did not wear pants. Men's clothing included breeches, doublets, underwear, collars, ruffs, and shoes. For the rich fashion was everything. Fashion represents your wealth.
Social life Social life also plays a roll during the Elizabeth’s era. Today social life is token over by the internet such as facebook and twitter. Back then they liked things like theatre, drama, romance, and tragedy. Queen Elizabeth loved Shakespeare’s plays
Geography and economy The geography was surrounded with mountain and contained many islands off the coast of its borders. Many rivers, oceans and several waterways surrounded and cut through different parts of England's land. English treasury had little to no money, mostly because of the cost of financing the wars.
Reference Page food.htm food.htm clothing.htm clothing.htm