English Quarter 1
$200 $800 $600 $600 $1000 $400 $400$200 $800 $400$400 $1000$1000 $600 $400 $1000 $200 $600 $200 $800 $2000 $600 $800$800 $1000
“Jack & Jill” Practice
MORE “Jack and Jill” Practice
“Jack & Jill” PracticeVocabulary “Jack & Jill” Practice 2 4 Motifs Lists $200 $400 $200 $600 $800 $600 $400 $600 $400 $800 $1000 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $2000 $1000 $600
$200 What is the setting? “Jack and Jill” Practice: $200 Answer: A hill
$400 What is the point of view? “Jack and Jill” Practice: $400 Answer: Third limited
$600 What method of Characterization tells us Jack is ‘clumsy’? “Jack and Jill” Practice: $600 Answer: speech and behavior
$800 What is the main conflict? “Jack and Jill” Practice: $800 Answer: One vs. Self
$1000 When is the climax? “Jack and Jill” Practice: $1,000 Answer: When Jack fell down
$200 Define: “setting” VOCABULARY: $200 Answer: the time and place of action in a story
$400 Define “theme” VOCABULARY: $400 Answer: the lesson of a story
$600 VOCABULARY: $600 Define “personfication.” Answer: giving inanimate objects human-like qualities
$800 What is a simile? VOCABULARY: $800 Answer: A comparison using like or as
$1000 What is foreshadowing? VOCABULARY: $1000 Answer: giving hints about the future in a story
$200 $200 What motif best describes “The Eensy Weensy Spider?” THE 4 MOTIFS: $200 Answer: Quest
$400 $400 What motif best describes “Little Miss Muffet”? THE 4 MOTIFS: $400 Answer: Outcast
$600 $600 What motif best describes “Humpty Dumpty?” THE 4 MOTIFS: $600 Answer: Life Cycle
$800 $800 What motif best describes “The Three Little Pigs?” THE 4 MOTIFS : $800 Answer: Coming of Age
$1000 What motif can be considered to be a part of another one? THE 4 MOTIFS : $1000 Answer: Coming of Age is a part of the Life Cycle
$200 $200 Name the 4 conflicts. LISTS: $400 Answer: One vs. One; One vs. Self; One vs. Nature & One vs. Fate
$400 Name the 3 methods of creating setting. LISTS: $600 Answer: direct description; dialogue; and clues
$600 LISTS: $800 Answer: First person; Third person limited; and Third person omniscient What are the 3 possible perspectives for a story?
$800 LISTS: $1000 Answer: direct description; speech and behavior; other character’s opinions; and the character’s own thoughts Name the four methods of creating character.
$1000 Name the 5 parts of a plot in order. LISTS: $2000 Answer: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution (or Denouement)
$200 What happens in the exposition? “Jack & Jill” Practice 2: $200 Answer: Jack and Jill go up a hill.
$400 Why do they go up the hill? “Jack & Jill” Practice 2 : $400 Answer: To fetch a pail of water
$600 What is the theme? “Jack & Jill” Practice 2 : $600 Answer: Be careful on top of hills!
$800 What is the name of the technique where we expect Jill to fall since Jack already has? “Jack & Jill” Practice 2 : $800 Answer: Foreshadowing
$1000 What is the best motif for this rhyme and why? “Jack & Jill” Practice 2 : $1000 Answer: Quest-heroes go on journey (up Hill) for goal (get water) and face obstacle (hill)