GCOS Implementation Manager’s Report CLIMAT/CLIMAT TEMP Workshop Casablanca Dec 2005 Richard K. Thigpen GCOS Secretariat Geneva, Switzerland
GCOS GSN Baseline Network About 1000 Stations Roughly Km Spacing Mandatory Requirements Monthly CLIMAT Report of Mean Temps, Precip amount Target Requirements Daily Temp, Precip, Pressure
Long History of Operations NMS Acceptance/Agreement Historical Data in Archive % of Network Stations meet Minimum Requirements Biggest Problem: Lack of CLIMAT and Historical Data GCOS GSN Baseline Network
Monitoring Centers: DWD (Precipitation) JMA (Temperature) Based on CLIMAT reports Lead Center and Archive NCDC Reports of daily, monthly, historical at GCOS Home Page:
GSN Activities Completed First Review of GSN Performance Many Stations Working but no CLIMAT Still Missing Many in Archive WWW Prepared CLIMAT/TEMP Handbook GCOS/WCP Prepared CLIREP Software
GSN Stations Number Stations Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg 7 32 Number of Silent Stations Number of No CLIMAT Poor CLIMAT Only Total (6.6%) 214 (21.8%) 18 (1.8%) 34 (3.5%)
GSN Performance Around 10 % No CLIMAT 6% “Silent” 2% Working Poorly 4% Reporting CLIMAT Only
Reasons for no CLIMAT Station Does not Prepare CLIMAT Use GCOS/WCP CLIREP S/W Station Prepares but not Received Verify WMO Pub 9 Vol A Verify WMO Pub 9 Vol C1 GTS RTH Routing Verify RTH Routing Tables Contact a Lead Center or Me!
GSN Stations in Daily Archive
Reasons for No Data in Archive Did Not Know That Data is needed? Send to Archive at NCDC Data Not in Suitable Form? Data Rescue a Possibility Not Willing to Share Data? Why?
GSN Projects/Activities CLIREP S/W Training With WWW Planning Series of Workshops First was in Moscow, Now in Casablanca, South America next?, Others? Major GSN Changes from Canada, Russia Better distribution of Stations and Data
GCOS GUAN Baseline Network About 150 Stations Uniform Global Distribution (5-10 Deg) Minimum Requirement At least 25 soundings/month to 100HPa Temp, Humidity, Wind Speed and Direction Target requirement Temp, Wind, Humidity to 5HPa CLIMAT TEMP
GCOS GUAN Baseline Network Monitoring Centers: ECMWF (TEMP) UK Met Office Hadley Center (CLIMAT TEMP) Quality Reports: ECMWF and NCEP Lead Center and Archive NCDC Same Internet Addresses
Number of Silent GUAN
Performance Reports DWD/JMA for GSN (CLIMAT) Includes QC Reports Hadley Center (UKMO) for CLIMAT TEMP NCDC for GSN, GUAN ECMWF and NCEP for GUAN near real time Most Can be Obtained Through GCOS Home Page
NCDC LONG TERM GSN REPORT Summary Of Surface Hourly Obs (HLY), Synoptic Obs (SYN), and CLIMAT Data (M) HLY = a count of ALL the obs for a month in the Integrated Surface Hourly (ISH) file at NCDC SYN = a count of the SYNOPTIC ob types for a month in the Integrated Surface Hourly (ISH) file at NCDC M = Presence (C) or absence (-) of CLIMAT data in the Monthly Climatic Data for the World (MCDW) at NCDC January February March April May R WMO Station Year HLY SYN M HLY SYN M HLY SYN M HLY SYN M HLY SYN M NOUASSEUR NOUASSEUR NOUASSEUR NOUASSEUR NOUASSEUR MIDELT C C C C C MIDELT C C C C MIDELT C C C C C MIDELT C C C C C MIDELT C C C C C
NCDC GUAN REPORT Summary Of GUAN Stations For 2005 / 10 Column Headings: R = Region Number, AVGPRS = Average Pressure At Observation Tops WMO = WMO Number, >100 = Count of Obs Reaching 100 hPa and Above STATION = Station Name, >50 = Count of Obs Reaching 50 hPa and Above OBS = Total Count Of Observations, >10 = Count of Obs Reaching 10 hPa and Above LVLS = Total Count Of Levels, >5 = Count of Obs Reaching 5 hPa and Above 00Z = Count Of Obs at 23Z, 00Z, and 01Z, TEMPS = Total Levels Containing Temperatures 12Z = Count Of Obs at 11Z, 12Z, and 13Z, DPDS = Total Levels Containing DPD Values OTH = Count Of Obs at All Other Hours, WINDS = Total Levels Containing Wind Values R WMO STATION OBS LVLS 00Z 12Z OTH AVGPRS >100 >50 >10 >5 TEMPS DPDS WINDS TENERIFE-GUIMAR TAMANRASSET, AL NIAMEY-AERO, NIGER DAKAR/YOFF, SENEGA ST. HELENA ISLAND VACOAS, MAURITIUS MARTIN DE VIVIES PORT-AUX-FRANCAIS ASSWAN, EGYPT ADDIS ABABA, ETHIO NAIROBI/DAGORETTI DAR ES SALAAM, TANZ SEYCHELLES IAP DOUALA, CAMEROON ABIDJAN, COTE D'IVOIRE FORT DAUPHIN, MG HARARE, ZIMBABWE WINDHOEK, NAMIBIA
Upper Air Height Inventory for October 2005 GUAN Stations STA = WMO # ID = Station call letters NS = Number of Soundings with data received by final runs by NCEP for the month. SR = Number of soundings with Significant Rejections (more than 10% total) SA = Number of Soundings with Any rejections CR = Number of soundings in that pressure Category with any Rejections NT = Number of heights in that pressure category for the month Total NR = Number of heights Rejected in that pressure category for the month Under "Termination Cat" are the number of soundings terminated in certain pressure categories. A = at or above 400 mb B = at or above 200 mb C = at or above 100 mb D = at or above 50 mb E = at or above 20 mb F = at or above 10 mb G = at or above 5 mb REGION 4 {SFC - 400} { } {99 - 0} Termination Cat GUAN SITE NS SR SA CR NT NR CR NT NR CR NT NR A B C D E F G Grantly Adams IAP, Br Hato, Curacao Belize/Phillip Goldston Bermuda NAS Kindley Alert N.W.T., Can Goose Bay, can Moosonee, Can Cambridge Bay A, Can Fort Smith, Can San Jose/El Coco, CR Kingston, Jm Manzanilla, Mx San Juan, Pr Barrow, Ak St. Paul Island,Ak Annette Island, Ak Key West, Fl Brownsville, Tx San Diego, Ca Dodge City, Ks Pittsburg, Pa Medford, Or Great Falls, Mt Upper Air Height Inventory for October 2005 GUAN Stations STA = WMO # ID = Station call letters NS = Number of Soundings with data received by final runs by NCEP for the month. SR = Number of soundings with Significant Rejections (more than 10% total) SA = Number of Soundings with Any rejections CR = Number of soundings in that pressure Category with any Rejections NT = Number of heights in that pressure category for the month Total NR = Number of heights Rejected in that pressure category for the month Under "Termination Cat" are the number of soundings terminated in certain pressure categories. A = at or above 400 mb B = at or above 200 mb C = at or above 100 mb D = at or above 50 mb E = at or above 20 mb F = at or above 10 mb G = at or above 5 mb REGION 4 {SFC - 400} { } {99 - 0} Termination Cat GUAN SITE NS SR SA CR NT NR CR NT NR CR NT NR A B C D E F G Grantly Adams IAP, Br Hato, Curacao Belize/Phillip Goldston Bermuda NAS Kindley Alert N.W.T., Can Goose Bay, can Moosonee, Can NCEP GUAN Report
GCOS Technical Support Projects Terms of Reference Visit each GUAN 2 times per Year Visit as many GSN as Possible Actively Monitor all GUAN/GSN Up to 3 Unscheduled Repair Missions/Year Training and Calibration Limited Common Spare Parts Quarterly Reports
Receipt of Total Observations Increased by 430 Observations or 29% Receipt of Complete Observations increased by 655 Observations or 76% Reduced Number of Partial Observations by 225 observations or 36%
Photos Around Station Example
CBS Lead Centers for GCOS Data Covers GSN and GUAN JMA for Some Time (GSN Only) NCDC Just Starting Iran and Australia Recently Volunteered Morocco Will Volunteer Others?
Thank You RKT