Higher Education The race is not always won by the fastest, but by the most persistent.
Types of Higher Education Specialized Training Vocational Education Undergraduate Education Graduate Education Post-Graduate Education
Specialized Training Military Training Computer Training and Certifications Advanced Drivers Certifications Hazardous Material Certifications Seminary Schools
Vocational Education (2 years or less) Cosmetology School Culinary Arts Technical Colleges (Associate Degrees) Electricians Certifications Plumbing Certifications Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Peace Officers
Undergraduate Education Liberal Arts Education (4 Year School) Bachelor’s Degree Teachers Stockbrokers Marketing Engineers
Graduate Education (Masters) Education Beyond your Bachelor’s Degree (Normally 2 years) Masters in Business Masters in Education
Post-Graduate Education (PHD) Doctorate Education Law School (3 years beyond Pre-Law) Medical Doctor (4 years beyond Pre-Med)
Financial Aid Grants Money given, usually to low income students. Scholarships Money awarded for special reasons to students based on need or eligibility. Loans Subsidized: Interest deferred Unsubsidized: Interest not deferred
Planning Backwards Planning Pre-requisites for attendance Entrance Exams / Standardized Testing Funding / Tuition
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