Budget Life Size Skull Chart-Company-CS20-Life- Size/dp/B000VKSDYE/ref=sr_1_1?s=to ys-and- games&ie=UTF8&qid= &sr= 1- 1&keywords=Budget+Life+Size+Skull& pebp= &peasin=B000V KSDYE Skull and mandible had a few holes not drilled out, but otherwise great for the money. Note: you get a similar skull if you order the Bag of Bones. $25, free shipping
My First Skeleton (Tiny Tim): 17” tall $21 Skeleton-Tiny-Plastic- Model/dp/B001CJXYKQ/ref=sr_ 1_1?s=toys-and- games&ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=1- 1&keywords=My+First+Skeleton +%28Tiny+Tim%29&pebp= &peasin=B001CJXY KQ Skull cap comes off so you can look inside.
Big Tim Skeleton (26” tall) $38 Skeleton/dp/B0009VIZLG/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and- games&ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=1- 1&keywords=Big+Tim+Skeleton&pebp= &peasin=B 0009VIZLG Skull cap comes off so you can look inside. Has muscle origins and insertions painted on to help for the second lab exam too.
The Muscular System 3d Raised Relief Chart ar-System-Raised-Relief- Chart/dp/B000BHONAU/ref=sr_ 1_2?ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=8- 2&keywords=Muscular+System +3d+Raised+Relief+Chart&pebp = &peasin=B000 BHONAU $16 with shipping