KnowGod The ABC’s of Knowing God Colossians 1:9-13 Colossians 1:9-13 (part 2) Three Key Words: WisdomWalkWork
The ABC’s of Knowing God How do I know I am walking with God? How do I know I am working with God? “Fruitful in every good work” PRODUCING CHANGED LIVES THAT LAST John 15:2,5-6,8 John 15:2,5-6,8 “bear fruit, more fruit, much fruit” Rom 7:4 Rom 7:4 “might bear fruit for God.”
The ABC’s of Knowing God What is the “Fruit” like? I Cor 16:15 I Cor 16:15 “the household of Stephen are the first fruits of Achaia” Heb 13:15 Heb 13:15 “the fruit of our lips” Rom 15:26-28 Rom 15:26-28 “to minister to them material things, …this fruit” Heb 12:11 Heb 12:11 “chastening, painful things…the peaceable fruit of righteousness”
The ABC’s of Knowing God Where does the “fruit” come from? Abiding: John 15:4,5 Wisdom: James 3:17 Holy Spirit: Gal 5:22,23
The ABC’s of Knowing God PERSISTANCE IN EXPANDING YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. Increasing in the Knowledge of God: PERSISTANCE IN EXPANDING YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. Measureable Spiritual Growth: Phil 1:9 – Greater Love I Peter 2:2 - Ambitious Growth 2 Thess 1:3 and 2 Cor 10:15 - Enlarged Faith:
Life Step 1.Spiritual fruit is essential in a follower of Christ! 2.Purposeful spiritual growth is based on your knowledge of God, are you ever growing? 3.Do you sense an expansion in your love for people or a rising critical spirit? 4.Is your ‘faith’ enlarging as you deepen your walk with God?