P Gray - June Single Assessment in Gateshead Single Assessment In Gateshead
P Gray - June Aims and Objectives Increase knowledge and understanding of Single Assessment Identify person centred care and what it means to us in practice Know about developments in Gateshead
P Gray - June NSF for Older People standard 2 - person centred care A Single Assessment Process should be put in place to ensure Person Centred Care is carried through in practice.
P Gray - June What is Person Centred Care? We should treat Older People as individuals and enable them to make decisions about their own care Older People and their carers should receive services which respect them as individuals, and which are arranged around their needs.
P Gray - June Avoid asking the same questions Provide coordinated and integrated services responses Listen to older people Involve and support carers Respect differences including culture and religion Enable to make Informed choices
P Gray - June The Vision for Single Assessment Assessment is STANDARDISED Assessment is OUTCOME CENTRED Assessment is IN PROPORTION Assessment is NOT REPETITIOUS Assessment involves the RIGHT PEOPLE in the RIGHT WAY
P Gray - June The 4 Assessment Types Contact Assessment - basic personal information Overview Assessment - a rounded picture of the person and any difficulties they may be having Specialist Assessment - looking at 1 area in depth Comprehensive Assessment - looking at several areas in depth
P Gray - June Single Assessment is a Process
P Gray - June What’s in it for me? Keeping older people and their carers at the centre of common concern Recognising their expertise All working to one system Working towards the same goals Appropriate referrals Contributing to assessments effectively Team work Not duplicating work, or over/under assessing Job satisfaction
P Gray - June The Domains for Single Assessment Users perspective Clinical background Disease prevention Personal care and physical well-being Senses Mental health Relationships Safety Immediate environment and resources
P Gray - June Key implications for professionals The scale and depth of assessment is kept in proportion to the older persons needs Agencies do not duplicate each others assessments Professionals contribute to assessment in the most effective way Assessment is about and for older people - they are the greatest experts in their own care
P Gray - June The National Programme for IT - NPfIT Underpinning IT structure to support the delivery of care and services For example: integrated records service, electronic appointment booking service, Single Assessment Electronic solutions facilitate and complement SAP Focus on person centred care, by improving pathways so impacting on patient experience
P Gray - June Progress in the Region SHA region chosen as Early Adopter for NPfIT and SAP – Jan 2004 As a consequence SHA decide that EasyCare (using liquidlogic software) will be the chosen tool for SAP in this region – June 2004 Sites chosen for roll out for SAP and the electronic solution in Gateshead– Go Live 21 st March 2005
P Gray - June To me, Person Centred Care is...