DO NOW: WHAT IS “SELF-SACRIFICE”? Chapter 10 ~Lesson 4
The Book of Ruth is the 8 th book of the Bible. The story of Ruth teaches us that even in difficult times, people can faithfully live out the covenant. Famine drove Elimelech and Naomi to Moab where there was food. Elimelech dies, leaving Naomi and their two sons, who were married to Moabite women. Tragically both sons also die, leaving Naomi and her 2 daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth. Naomi told the women to go back to their mother’s house and to remarry, but Ruth would not leave Naomi. The two women went to Bethlehem where they met Boaz, a relative of Ruth.
Chapter 10 ~Lesson 4 Ruth & Naomi Ruth & Boaz
Chapter 10 ~ Lesson 4 Concept: Who was Ruth? Questions: 1. Why do you think Ruth accepted the God of Israel? 2. In what ways does Ruth show her devotion to her mother-in-law? 3. What qualities did Ruth possess that we could all emulate? (imitate)