What was life like in the cities?
“Gin Lane” by William Hogarth How did the middle class feel about the conditions of the working class and the poor? What did they attribute to these conditions? Why did this cause anxiety and fears for the middle class?
Answering the “Social Question” Religious Reforms Social Reforms
Other Reform Movements Unions Working Conditions
How did Urban life change in the 19 th century?
Health Reforms Chadwick’s “sanitary idea” Reforming the “miasmatic theory” Lister’s “antiseptic principle”
City Planning Georges Haussman and “Haussmanification” Developments Tree lined boulevards Small parks in neighborhoods Sewage systems Mass transportation
Social Structure Middle Class 18-19% of British Society Characteristics Upper Middle Class Middle Middle Class Lower Middle Class Fashion expectations Education Behavior Expectations Working Class 80% of British Society Characteristics “Labor Aristocracy” Semiskilled unskilled
Leisure and Religion Drinking becomes more socially acceptable Growth of music halls and leisure sports Continued Christian presence despite decline in attendance Reasons for decline?
Marriage More based on love than economics Strong kinship ties Gender roles “Separate spheres” Women’s roles Men’s roles
Child Care Growing devotion towards children Examples Why this new devotion?