TLAP Practitioners Network Matthew West and Emma Hanson Delivering Differently in Neighbourhoods
2 Introduction
Community rights agenda Devolve Economic decisions Political decisions Service design and delivery 3
population of over 85yr olds is set to increase by 106%... About 50% of GP appointments 64% of outpatient appointments Over 70% of inpatient bed days People with long-term conditions account for: Challenges: Our population is ageing More people have long-term health conditions Expectations of public services continue to rise People want more responsive, personalised public services People want more control and influence over how their local services are run Communities are more fluid and, in some cases, fragmented Drivers for social action and involving communities in decision making & service delivery 13 14
Economic advantages of delivering services at neighbourhood level FeaturesBenefits Coproduction: services produced collaboratively between provider and citizen/user Radical systems thinking: achieved by putting the user at the centre of service delivery Targeting: resources used to target areas of need Co-commissioning: Communities are engaged in commissioning decisions and delivery – particularly of preventative services Economies of scope: achieved through the ‘bundling’ of services Economies of learning: achieved through small scale experimentation Economies of density: achieved by targeting services to local need Community Resilience: development of capacity within a community to do more for themselves
Aim Improve the case for neighbourhood devolution and develop better examples of what works in which services. How We are supporting 24 local authorities to redesign services to deliver at neighbourhood level, working in partnership with local people and organisations Products Cost benefit Analyses Case studies advocates 6
7 Adult social care, health & well- being Children & families Community safety Green space and community assets Devolution to parishes
Kent County CouncilSocial care co-operatives Leeds City CouncilNeighbourhood based, VCS managed care planning pathway Buckinghamshire CCWorking with the voluntary sector and parishes to encourage active lifestyles Sandwell BC‘Community Offer’ testing model for provision of early support for older people in the community Herefordshire CCCommunity connector model joining health and social care with the VCS in a very rural area LB CroydonTrialling options to work with MoW providers to use the service to connect people with community options Luton BCSocial prescription model, operating at GP level with VCS and community involvement 8 Projects
Relevance to wider agenda Care act – Potential to contribute to duties on: Wellbeing Prevention Market shaping Budgetary pressures – potential to relieve these through: Reducing demand for acute care – reducing hospital admissions Better integration with health providers Community resilience – build through: Asset based approaches 9