Measure Length to the Nearest Inch Unit of Study: Measurement- Length Global Concept Guide: 3 of 3
Content Development “Teaching standard units can be organized around three broad goals: 1.Familiarity with the unit 2.Ability to select an appropriate unit. 3.Knowledge of relationships between units. Two types of activities can help develop familiarity with standard units: (1) comparisons that focus on a single unit and (2) activities that develop personal referents or benchmarks for single units or easy multiples of units.” (Van de Walle, Elementary and Middle School Mathematics, 2010, p. 388) “Measurement is the process of assigning a number to a magnitude of some attribute shared by some class of objects, such as length, relative to a unit. Length is a continuous attribute—a length can always be subdivided in smaller lengths. In contrast, we can count 4 apples exactly—cardinality is a discrete attribute.” Progressions for CCSSM: Geometric Measurement, The CCSS Writing Team, June 2012
Day 1 Essential Question: Why is using a ruler similar to using a row color tiles to measure length? Measure Up - This lesson will have students revisit nonstandard units using color tiles and the color tile ruler they made in the previous lesson. Students will make connections to the two tools through exploration of classroom objects. Probe students by asking questions such as: What do you notice about this ruler? How are you using the ruler? What do you notice about the color tiles and the ruler? Measure Up Next, students will use both tiles and their ruler to measure and record the lengths of fruits/vegetables and discover that the two represent the same space. By the end of Day 1, students should be able to how the ruler is used and connects to measuring with tiles.
Day 2 Essential Question: How do you use an inch ruler to measure length? Engage: Give each child their nonstandard color tile ruler and an inch ruler. Allow students time to examine and discuss with each other, then allow them to share any discoveries to the class. Student should see similarities between their ruler and the inch ruler.inch ruler Building Conceptual Knowledge/Guided Practice: Use the CPalms lesson Inch by Inch to have students work with a standard inch ruler. Students will spend time exploring starting and stopping points, intervals and practice using the rulers as they measure tape lines placed around the room. Inch by Inch Closure: To summarize the students’ discoveries for the day focus on the guiding questions in the closure section that focus on where to start and stop measuring on the ruler. By the end of Day 2, student should be able to measure the length of a given object with an inch rule.
Day 3 Essential Question: How does measuring from different starting point affect my results? Engage/Building Conceptual Knowledge: Pass out the two different Engage Rulers, ensuring half the students receive one kind and half receive the other. Pair students with a partner who has a different ruler. Have them share their rulers with each other and determine any differences. Allow them to measure a common item/picture. Have students discuss why they may have recorded difference measurements.Engage Rulersitem/picture Guided/Partner Practice: In partners, have students complete the practice page from the CPalms lesson, Measuring with Inchespractice page Measuring with Inches Independent Practice: Students complete the measurement task independently to practice the skill.measurement task By the end of Day 3, students should be able to explain why starting at different points can change their measurement.
Day 4 Essential Question: How can I use a broken ruler to measure? Engage: Project the Measuring Length in Inches link on the board for students. Ask them to discuss how they would determine how many inches long this item is? Have students share possible strategies.Measuring Length in Inches Building Conceptual Knowledge: Pass out Broken Rule Picture Cards to groups and have them measure the objects on the cards. Have students discuss how they were able to determine the item length without starting at zero. Pass out Broken Rulers or real rulers that have been broken. Provide students with pre-cut objects such as string, paper strips or pipe cleaners to be measured. Students can record the measurements in their journal.Broken Rule Picture CardsBroken Rulers Independent Practice: Broken Ruler Practice allows students to practice with a variety of broken rulers.Broken Ruler Practice By the end of Day 4, students should be able to measure an item starting at any whole inch on the ruler.
Enrich/Reteach/Intervention Reteach/Intervention Practice with nonstandards units such as color tiles and snap cubes Broken Ruler Practice with full units marked Broken Ruler Practice Inchy Picnic – Help Andy the Ant make it through the picnic by measuring his path. Inchy Picnic Animated Math Model - Skill 44 – Measure with Inch Models Animated Math Model Enrich Broken Rulers – blog with more information about Broken Rulers Broken Ruler Rap Broken Ruler Rap
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