The First Family I. Why is it so important to place an emphasis on marriage and the family? A. Because the family is and always will be the basic building block of society. B. Because God places a high value on the family.
C. Because as the family goes, so goes the church. D. Because the world is trying to redefine the family. The traditional concept that corresponds with the biblical concept of family is “the group comprising a husband and wife and their dependent children, constituting a fundamental unit in the organization of society.”
E. Because cultural forces are undermining the success of the family. 1. The busyness of our lifestyles 2. The focus on materialism 3. The excessive divorce rate 4. The proliferation of electronic entertainment 5. The dual income culture
8. The culture of comfort 9. The overall selfishness of the individual 10. The “rights” movements that empower children 11. The debt society 12. The context of the last days (II Tim. 3:1-5). 6. The TV model of family 7. The educational system
II. What is the foundation for the first family? The foundation for the first family is God Himself Eph. 3:14-15). A. The pattern for the first family is found in the Godhead—Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 1. The Father reveals the nature of true Fatherhood (Deut. 32:6; Ps. 68:4-6; 103:13; Pro. 3:12; Is. 64:8; Mal. 2:10; I Cor. 1:3).
2. The Son reveals the nature of true sonship (Ps. 2:7; Is. 7:14; 9:6; Mt. 3:17; John 1:14, 18; 3:16; 17:1-7). 3. The Holy Spirit reveals the “feminine” side of God. a. The Holy Spirit brooded over the face of the earth much like a mother hen would brood over her chicks (Gen. 1:2).
c. The Holy Spirit is the gentle, dove- like member of the Godhead (Mt. 3:16, Compare Song. 6:9). d. The Holy Spirit is the one who gives birth to spiritual young (John 3:5, 6, 8). e. The Holy Spirit is the one who brings forth the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). b. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter much like the mother who comforts her young (Is. 66:12-13; John 16:7).
B. The vision for an extended family was found in the heart of the Father (Gen. 1:26-28). 1. God desired offspring in His image. 2. God desired His offspring to reproduce to fill up the earth. 3. God desired that His offspring would reach a place of maturity to reflect His character and nature. 4. God desired to have an intimate relationship and communion with His offspring.
5. God desired that His offspring would enter into a God-like function of ruling and reigning. 6. God desired that His offspring would eventually qualify as a bride for the Eternal Son of God.
III. What did the first family on earth look like? A. God began by creating the man (Gen. 2:7-8; I Tim. 2:13). B. God created the woman from the man (Gen. 2:20-23; I Cor. 11:9). C. Man and woman cooperating together brought forth offspring (Gen. 1:22; 4:1-2).
E. Man was innocent but unproven regarding sin (Gen. 2:25). D. God placed man in an ideal environment (Gen. 2:8-15).
IV. What was the purpose for which the first family was created? The primary purpose for the first family was to satisfy the heart of God for offspring in His image. A. The first family was to be a reflection of the image and character of God. B. The first family was to be a source of fellowship and relationship for God.
C. The first family was to be fruitful and fill the earth with godly offspring. D. The first family was to exercise dominion over the earth to prepare for future ruling beyond the earth. E. The first family was to eventually be positioned to become a bride for the only begotten Son of God.
V. What is a good biblical definition of the family? The family is the God-ordained basic unit of society having parental headship and discipline which is established for the purpose of enjoying common life together through working, caring, sharing, serving and ministering to God and others.