Deloitte Consulting LLP Commonwealth of Massachusetts Statewide Strategic IT Consolidation (ITC) Initiative IT Governance Sub-Committee Working Session April 21, :00pm – 4:00pm DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY
- 1 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Agenda 4/13 working session recap Validate IT governance definition and core components Validate 3 layers of IT governance Secretariat-level IT governance Commonwealth Infrastructure IT governance Overall Commonwealth IT governance model Validate approach around 2 models Day 1 (July 1, 2009) Target State (December 30, 2010) Next steps Standing agenda review
- 2 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 4/13 Working Session Recap Key Decisions Made Determined four (4) IT governance components: 1.IT Planning (both strategic and capital) 2.IT Budgeting (at a high-level) 3.IT Service Level Approval and Oversight 4.IT Benefits Realization and Performance Management The other sub-committee will address IT HR, IT Legal, and IT Financial Management (at a lower-level in terms of guidelines, processes, and checklists) Key Action Items Meet with Anne within next week to discuss current state, recent changes, and future vision – done 4/15 Update Secretariat Plan Template – done 4/14 and again on 4/17 Draft target state components within this framework – in progress: ̶ IT Governance Structure ̶ Key Governance Processes ̶ Roles and Responsibilities Open ItemsGuiding principles Business objectives New timeline for key governance processes Performance metrics
- 3 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Defining IT Governance and its Core Components A framework through which identified stakeholders have the necessary input and guidance for the decision-making process for the following IT governance components: 1.Planning (both strategic and capital) 2.Budgeting 3.Service Levels (both approval and oversight) 4.Benefits Realization and Performance Management Definition
- 4 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Validating the three layers of IT Governance 1.Secretariat IT Governance Four IT Services: Helpdesk Services, Desktop & LAN Services, Website Information Architecture, and IT Application Services as determined by SCIO Four IT Infrastructure Services: Data / Telecom Networks, Data Center services, Website Hosting and Portal Services, and Shared Enterprise Services Executive Order No. 510 – e.g., Reporting and Budgeting 2.Commonwealth-wide IT Infrastructure Governance Four IT Infrastructure Services Executive Order No. 510 – e.g., ISB 3.Overall Commonwealth-wide IT Governance
- 5 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Validating IT Governance Structure for the Secretariat IT Consolidation Plans Each plan will contain the following sections for Secretariat IT governance component: Process (e.g., capital planning, strategic planning, budgeting, performance management) Timeline Target State Org Chart (including Day 1 details) Target State Roles & Responsibilities (e.g., RACI charts) Interaction with other IT and Business Governance Bodies (e.g., ITD, Agency Commissioners, etc.)
- 6 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Processes for Each IT Governance Component Day 1 Model July 1, 2009 Target State Model December 31, 2010 Core Functions Short term (July 1, 2009) Target State (Dec 30, 2010) IT Planning – Strategic TBD
- 7 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Processes for Each IT Governance Component Day 1 Model July 1, 2009 Target State Model December 31, 2010 Core Functions Short term (July 1, 2009) Target State (Dec 30, 2010) IT Planning – Capital TBD
- 8 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Processes for Each IT Governance Component Day 1 Model July 1, 2009 Target State Model December 31, 2010 Core Functions Short term (July 1, 2009) Target State (Dec 30, 2010) IT Budgeting TBD
- 9 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Processes for Each IT Governance Component Day 1 Model July 1, 2009 Process and timeline Org Chart Roles and Responsibilities Target State Model December 31, 2010 Core Functions Short term (July 1, 2009) Target State (Dec 30, 2010) IT Planning – Strategic TBD IT Planning – Capital TBD IT Budgeting TBD Service Level Approvals and Ongoing Oversight TBD Benefits Realization and Performance Management TBD
DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Processes for Each IT Governance Component Day 1 Model July 1, 2009 Target State Model December 31, 2010 Core Functions Short term (July 1, 2009) Target State (Dec 30, 2010) Service Level Approvals and Ongoing Oversight TBD
DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Processes for Each IT Governance Component Day 1 Model July 1, 2009 Target State Model December 31, 2010 Core Functions Short term (July 1, 2009) Target State (Dec 30, 2010) Benefits Realization and Performance Management TBD
DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY IT Governance Timeline Today – Strategic Planning and Budgeting ITD / ANF ITAB CIO Cabinet Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.MayJun.Jul. Plan Development of Strategic Plan Review Strategic Plan Workplan, outline, and stakeholders identified. Planning announced. Final Review Discovery (Background and Workshop) Inv Briefs released Agencies ITD Capital Budget Priorities due to ANF Strategic PlanningCapital Budgeting Submit budget to B.O. Initial Review Review Strategic Plan Final ReviewInitial Review ITD releases investment briefs to agencies Inv Briefs completed ITD releases bond funds to approved projects Capital Plan Compiled Published Conduct Financial Reviews and Fund Additional Priorities Investment Briefs Process Begins
DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY IT Governance Timeline Today – Capital Planning and Budgeting
DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Commonwealth-wide IT Governance Framework
DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Overall Sub-committee Schedule and Next Steps Sub-Committee Working Session Dates Key Activities 4/13, Monday Determine governance definitions, components, and scope Understand current state of IT governance 4/21, Tuesday Validate governance definitions, components, scope, and levels Begin outlining target state processes for 4 components 4/27, Monday Develop key roles and responsibilities at RACI detailed level Outline new timeline for key governance processes 5/4, Monday Provide guidelines for governance in IT Infrastructure Consolidation Plan 5/11, Monday Provide guidelines for governance in Secretariat IT Consolidation Plan 5/18, Monday Review governance sections in draft Secretariat IT Consolidation Plans 5/26, Tuesday Backup session, as needed