Version 1.1 New Features in Version 1.1
Visits Visit locks now function correctly and this is indicated by a padlock icon
Visits When selecting a Visit, "Create Visit Now" check box is available if needed:
Visits The user is shown similar visits when making a request to create a new visit
Visits Providers should not have to choose the Type of Visit:
Primary Care Header This component now correctly uses the IHS Primary Care Team database:
Patient Clear Privacy feature Menu action which will clear Patient Data in one click Menu can be added to the EHR by the CAC
Pt Clear Demonstration
Notifications Can delete informational notifications
Notifications Imaging Alerts can now be signed
Notifications Notifications can be sent to the ordering provider and the : –Designated Primary Care Provider –Primary Provider –Attending Physician –Team
BGO Components The BGO components are typically setup on Triage, Wellness, Services and the Prob/POV tabs These components have been substantially updated Buttons & menu options are now only available if the associated action is valid
BGO Components Buttons & menus have been updated for a consistent look across components:
BGO Components These components now support manual refresh from the Patient menu on the toolbar:
BGO Components Education: Now supports Barriers to Learning, Learning Preference and Readiness to Learn
BGO Components Education: Now supports Web Link Information button
BGO Components Personal Health: –Asthma Status –Functional Status –Reproductive Status (females only) –Birth Measurement (children only) –Refusal –Treatment Contracts
BGO Components Personal Health:
BGO Component Personal Health: –Asthma
BGO Components Personal Health: –Functional Status
BGO Components Personal Health: –Reproductive History
BGO Components Personal Health: –Birth Measurements
BGO Components-Refusals Refusal Item for most refusals now documented via the RPMS-EHR GUI
BGO Components- Pt Ed Refusals
BGO Components Visit Diagnosis: Allows direct input of Education on Add dialog
BGO Components Visit Diagnosis: Allows direct input of Education on Add dialog
BGO Components Visit Diagnosis: Allows direct input of Education on Add dialog
BGO Components Problem list
BGO Components Personal Patient Education Pick Lists
BGO Components Visit Diagnosis: Supports Web Link Information:
BGO Components Historical Services: Visits are only locked after a defined interval Historical Services can be deleted before the Visit is locked
BGO Components Historical entry of GPRA/CRS Data
Superbill Associations Can associate CPT, Education, Health Factors, Immunization, Health Factor, ICD,Skin Tests to a Superbill item
Chief Complaint Default Prefixes for Chief Complaints can be configured using a parameter
Chief Complaint Can add multiple chief complaints
Vital Signs Vital Signs: Entered using the Vitals Measurement component. VM component can be accessed via the Cover Sheet and this entry component can be placed elsewhere, for example, on the Triage tab
Vital Signs Coversheet: Vitals Entry via right click in the Vital Measurements component
Vital Signs Entry:
Medication Counseling Accessed via "Pharm Ed" button: After the button is clicked, the visit is confirmed:
Medication Counseling
Medication Management Medication Management has new features that improve order entry, processing existing orders and printing order summaries
Medication Management New toolbar:
Medication Management Medication Management allows processing multiple medication orders
Medication Management New toolbar: –Allows managing display to only Chronic meds, only Active meds or only meds in defined time period
Medication Management New toolbar: –Allows printing medication summary in the desired format
Medication Management Issue date, Prescription number, and Ordering Provider have been added to the display
Medication Management New "ADR" button is now on the med order dialog to display CWAD information while entering medication orders
Medication Management Customization (column settings) are saved on a per-user basis
Medication Management Mouse hovering over the status column provides additional information about medications that have “Returned to Stock” or “Hold” status.
Orders Lab Orders have a Clinical Indication field
Orders Order columns are now sortable
Orders Discontinuing of Expired orders is now allowed
Orders Orders display now has alternate shading to improve readability
Health Summary Report Quick access to frequently used reports is now possible via a button on the toolbar
Visit Summary (Brief) Report Provides a compact visit report. Can be printed for Release of Information
Printing Printing multiple copies is now supported
Printing A print operation in progress in RPMS-EHR can now be aborted
RPMS-EHR Version 1.1