TACTICS & STRATEGY II Fire Suppression
TACTICS The methods of directing and employing, people, equipment, and extinguishing agents on the fireground to most efficiently protect life and property.
STRATEGY The overall plan.
Tactics & Strategy What we do and how we do it.
Size - Up Considerations NAME SOME
Size Ups Who does size-up? First arriving company officer Later arriving Chiefs Incident Commander Every FF on the scene constantly re-evaluate
Priorities Rescue Exposures Confinement Extinguishment Overhaul Salvage Ventilation Coordinated Fire Attack
Ventilation #1 Priority Reduces heat and smoke build-up Confines the fire Line in place Reduce flashover potential East access for rescue & extinguishment Buy time for victims Vent & Enter Concept
Rescue Primary Search Initial Quick Check most obvious places for survivors Hallways Bedrooms Living areas
Rescues Secondary Search Multiple Victims Later More thorough largest endangered group has priority screamers on balconies jumpers hangers
Tactical Modes Offensive Fast, aggressive Vent & Enter Interior Attack Lines keep advancing Primarily handlines blitz with a master stream Straight streams NOT
Attacking from the unburned to burned. Fire Attack Attacking from the unburned to burned. Dwellings garages
Tactical Priorities Marginal modes of operation offensive/defensive interior attack will go to defensive defensive/offensive initial attack defensive offensive after a big hit
Tactical Priorities Defensive Exterior operations master streams and big hand lines No interior crews accountability
Tactical Priorities Mode of Operation Decisions Risk a lot to save a lot Risk our lives a lot to save savable lives. Offensive Risk a little to save a little Risk our lives a little to save savable property. Marginal Risk nothing to save nothing Don’t risk our lives at all to save what is already lost. Defensive
Tactical Priorities ? Factors Burn Time Construction Type How long have we been operating Have we slowed or stopped the forward movement of the fire why not ?
Apparatus Capabilities & Jobs Engines Aerials Ladders Towers Snorkels Quints
Apparatus Capabilities Tankers Squads /Rescues Ambulance Fire Boats Pool Vehicles
Bring the tools to the the job!! Riding Assignments Bring the tools to the the job!! Nothing Showing Smoke Showing Extrication EMS
Resources Personnel # = Size of fire Location Building Use Weather Life Hazard Fire Flow - 50gpm / FF
Resources Apparatus Size of the fire Location Water Supply Fire Flow - 500gpm / engine Life Hazard Aerials
Resources Fire Flow Iowa Formula L x W x H = Fire Flow 100
Specific Structure Fires Single Family Dwellings Kill the most firefighters Houses are big VES bedrooms First Line Between fire and occupants Front door - interior stairs
Specific Structure Fires Single Family Dwellings Horizontal ventilation fastest Heavy fire - vertical vent more than room & contents Check for extension
Specific Structure Fires Attached Garages Check the door on the interior side for integrity if its good, leave it closed attack from exterior Caution - prop open garage doors
Specific Structure Fires Attics Basements Exposures
Specific Structure Fires Multi-Family Multiple Rescues Ventilation Protect Exits Stairs Fire Escapes Truss Roofs Cocklofts
Specific Structure Fires Mercantile, Business, Taxpayer Roof vent quick Large hand lines Master streams Extension other units Forcible entry problems
Specific Structure Fires Mercantile, Business, Taxpayers Rapid heat & smoke build up fire in void spaces basements Facades Rear of building cellar doors different elevation Dwelling units
Specific Structure Fires Industrial, Warehouses Light weight construction Heavy fire load Haz-Mat Large open areas Processes Machinery
Specific Structure Fires Educational Large life hazard younger children Resources school staff Panic parents showing up on scene EMS
Specific Structure Fires Institutional Jails Health Care & Hospitals Occupants can’t escape on their own Staff assistance required guards / nurses Total evacuation not always possible shelter in place horizontal exits
More Fires Vehicle Fires Rubbish Wildland Others
Other Emergencies Technical Rescue Trench Collapse High Angle Confined Space Water Animals
RIT FF Safety #1 Two in - Two Out = LAW RIT Team / Sector Dedicated Company at IC At least 4 FF’s Ready for search, heavy rescue
Return to Service First in, first home Fresh crews for clean-up Keep change companies for a while Re-Hab Debrief