Virtual Flashcards Así se dice: Capítulo 6: El bienestar
Palabras I (pages )
Contento Alegre Happy
Triste Sad
Deprimido Depressed
De buen humor In a good mood
De mal humor In a bad mood
Energético Energetic
Cansado Tired
Obstinado Terco Stubborn
Flexible Easy-Going; “Flexible”
La sonrisa The smile
El sentido The emotion
Enojado Enfadado Angry
Lleno Full
La energía The energy
El entusiasmo The enthusiasm
Difícil Difficult
Ambicioso Ambitious
Tener éxito To have success
Tener buenos resultados To have good results
Bien educado Well-mannered (Well-“educated” in manners)
Tener buena conducta To have good conduct
Mal educado To NOT be well-mannered
Tener malos modales To have bad manners
Impaciente Impatient
El comportamiento Behavior
IOP + molestar To bother someone
IOP + enfadar IOP + enojar To anger someone
Palabras II (pages )
La consulta del médico El consultorio The doctor’s office
Estar bien To be well
Estar enfermo To be sick
La boca Mouth
El paciente El enfermo The patient/Sick person
El médico The doctor
El examen físico The physical exam
Abrir la boca To open the mouth
El enfermero The nurse
IOP + tomar la tensión arterial To take someone’s blood pressure
IOP + tomar el pulso To take someone’s pulse
Tener fiebre To have a fever
Tener que guardar cama To have to stay in bed
El catarro El resfrío The cold (illness kind of cold)
Estar resfriado To be sick with a cold
Tener (mucho) estrés To have (much) stress
Tener dolor de cabeza To have a headache
Tener dolor de estómago To have a stomach ache
Tener tos Toser To have a cough; to cough
Tener dolor de garganta To have a “throat ache”
La receta The prescription
La medicina El medicamento Medicine
La farmacia The pharmacy
IOP + doler + body part To be hurtful to someone
Me duele el estómago The stomach hurts me
Te duele la cabeza The head hurts you (informal, singular)
Le duele la garganta The throat hurts him/her/you (formal, singular)
Nos duelen las cabezas The heads hurt us