Energy, Catalysis and Biosynthesis Metabolism *catabolism *anabolism Complexity of metabolism *potential energy
Conservation of Energy Energy is defined as the capacity to perform work. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. Potential energy is stored energy.
Free energy, stability, and change Free energy Change in free energy = G Gravitational Motion DiffusionChemical Reaction
Equilibrium *chemical equilibrium G = 0, no net change in the system Chemical reactions with free energy changes: *energetically favorable *energetically unfavorable Free energy, stability, and change
Metabolic Disequilibrium *Multistep open hydroelectric system
Enzymes – Metabolism is the total of all chemical reactions in an organism. – Most metabolic reactions require the assistance of enzymes, proteins that speed up chemical reactions.
Activation Energy Reactant Products Activation energy barrier Energy level – Activation energy Activates the reactants Triggers a chemical reaction
Enzymes lower the barrier of E A Enzymes (b) With enzyme Reactant Products Activation energy barrier reduced by enzyme Enzyme Energy level
ATP and Cellular Work Main types of (cellular) work: mechanical transport chemical
The Structure of ATP TriphosphateDiphosphate Adenosine Energy ATPADP PPPPPP Phosphate (transferred to another molecule) – ATP (adenosine triphosphate) Consists of adenosine plus a tail of three phosphate groups Is broken down to ADP and a phosphate group, releasing energy
The Structure of ATP
ATP ADP P P P P P P P P X XY Y (a) Motor protein performing mechanical work (b) Transport protein performing transport work (c) Chemical reactants performing chemical work Solute Solute transported Protein moved Product madeReactants Transport protein Motor protein ATP and Cellular Work
Redox reaction (oxidation-reduction) Na + Cl Na + + Cl - oxidation reduction Xe - + Y X + Ye - oxidation reduction ATP and Cellular Work
NAD+ (another activated carrier)