Ensii Global Networks We know the market & services We have ready technical know how, manpower and recognized contents
Present VAS with all operators SMS Based Push-pull services SMS Based Push-pull services IVR Based VAS IVR Based VAS Combo (SMS + IVR) Combo (SMS + IVR) GPRS Based VAS GPRS Based VAS
VAS Scenario of BD Mobile Operators Following slides will give us a comparative study of the present services offered by mobile operators in Bangladesh. Following slides will give us a comparative study of the present services offered by mobile operators in Bangladesh. Operators covered both GSM (GP, AKTL, BL, TT) and CDMA (CC) operators Operators covered both GSM (GP, AKTL, BL, TT) and CDMA (CC) operators
SMS BasedShort BriefGPAKTelBLTeleTalkCityCell SMS (Inland) √√√√√ SMS (International) √√√ √ Push-Pull Cricket Updates with scoresLive Cricket News√√√√√ Football scoresLive football news√ Namaz TimingDivision wise√√√ √ Beauty Tips √√√ √ Receipe √√√ Jokes √√√√√ Weather √√√√√ Taxi √√√√√ Quotes Love/Friendship/hates etc √√√√√ Horoscope √√√√√ Police Service √√√ √ Ambulance Service √√√ √ Hospitals √√√ √ Quiz √√√√√ Prize Bond √ Int. Weather √√√√√ EntertainmentMovie where is what√ √ √ TechnologyComputer, Laptop etc price √ √ SMS2 & 2SMS √√√ √ Logos √√√√√
SMS BasedShort BriefGPAKTelBLTeleTalkCityCell RingTones √√√√√ SMS Chat √√√ √ Miss Call alert/SMS √ IVR Based Voice SMS √√√ VMS √√√ √ Yellow Pages √ Sports √√√√√ TV Chanels News √√√ √ Newspapers News (Bangla) √√√ √ Newspapers News (English) √√√ √ Music MessagingSong Dedication√√√ √ GPRS Based √√ EDGE/WAP √√ MMS √√√ Wall Paper √√ PolyTones √√ True Tones √√ Animation √√ Color Logo √√ J2ME Games √√ VDO Clips √√ Themes √√
SMS Based Push-Pull Services Cricket Updates with scores Cricket Updates with scores Football Scores Football Scores Namaz Timing (Division wise) Namaz Timing (Division wise) Beauty Tips Beauty Tips Recepie Recepie Jokes Jokes Weather Weather
SMS Based Push-Pull Services Taxi Taxi Quotes Love/ Friendship/ hates etc Quotes Love/ Friendship/ hates etc Horoscope Horoscope Police Services Police Services Ambulance Services Ambulance Services Hospitals Hospitals Quiz Quiz Prize Bond Draw Result Prize Bond Draw Result
SMS Based Push-Pull Services International Weather International Weather Entertainment (Movie where is what) Entertainment (Movie where is what) Technology (Computer, Laptop etc) Technology (Computer, Laptop etc) SMS to & to SMS SMS to & to SMS Logos Logos Ring tones Ring tones
IVR Based VAS Voice SMS Voice SMS TV Channels News TV Channels News News Papers News (Bangla) News Papers News (Bangla) News Papers News (English) News Papers News (English) Music Messaging Music Messaging
GPRS Based VAS EDGE/WAP Gateway EDGE/WAP Gateway MMS (Multi Media Services) MMS (Multi Media Services) Wall Papers Wall Papers Poly Tones Poly Tones True Tones True Tones Animation Animation Color Logos Color Logos J2ME Games J2ME Games VDO Clips VDO Clips
Our Proposals We can provide all of the mentioned SMS VAS services including H/W & S/W We can provide all of the mentioned SMS VAS services including H/W & S/W We can provide all kinds of contents for the mentioned SMS based VAS We can provide all kinds of contents for the mentioned SMS based VAS We can provide all of the IVR Based Services including H/W & S/W We can provide all of the IVR Based Services including H/W & S/W We can provide all kinds of IVR based contents & RBT contents as well We can provide all kinds of IVR based contents & RBT contents as well We have already in place our expertise to do GPRS based VAS as well We have already in place our expertise to do GPRS based VAS as well
Our Proposals We want to be VAS partner on revenue sharing basis We want to be VAS partner on revenue sharing basis We have all the contents We have all the contents If required we can provide all H/W and S/W If required we can provide all H/W and S/W Warid only needs to do marketing and campaign Warid only needs to do marketing and campaign
ICT Contents Patent Certificate