The Holocaust Ghettos Final Solution “Work will set you free” Nuremburg Trials Tokyo Trials
Persecution of Jewish People Hitler Youth and League of German Maidens -Teaching how and who to hate to the younger generation -Teaching gender roles for ethnically pure Germans Destroying a people and culture -Massive book burnings of Jewish, Communist, Black, or any other undesirable authors
Persecution of Jewish People Kristallnacht Nov Government encouraged -Nazi mobs attack Jewish public spaces and people -Night of Broken Glass Nuremburg Laws -Restricted Jewish rights -Forced Jewish people to wear the Star of David
Warsaw Ghetto Poland October 12, 1940 decree required all Jewish residents of Warsaw to move into a designated area -enclosed by a wall that was over 10 feet high, topped with barbed wire, and closely guarded to prevent movement between the ghetto and the rest of Warsaw. -over 400,000 people -German authorities forced ghetto residents to live in an area of 1.3 square miles, with an average of 7.2 persons per room.
Warsaw Ghetto Liquidation July 22 until September 12, 1942, German SS deported 265, 000 Jewish people from the Warsaw ghetto to the Treblinka killing center. -they killed approximately 35,000 inside the ghetto during the operation. Led to the Warsaw uprising Jan 1943 in resistance to deportations -April 19, 1943, The SS deported 42,000 to concentration camps. At least 7,000 Jewish people died in the ghetto, while the SS and police sent another 7,000 to the Treblinka killing center.
The Final Solution This was the Nazis final plan to eliminate all Jewish people in Europe It was an evolving process -Deportation and Separation -killing squads -Euthanasia of disabled -Gassing Trucks -Carbon Monoxide -Gas Chambers - to Zyclon B
Auschwitz Hitler ordered all Jewish people and “undesirables” to be shipped to concentration and extermination camps -Auschwitz 1 million people killed
Auschwitz “Work will set you free” Upon arrival -Two lines, one to the Extermination camp, one to the concentration camp -Shaved heads, stripped of clothing, families separated
Arrived by Train
Murder and Experimentation Joseph Mengele -Nazi doctor who performed horrific experiments at Auschwitz -Obsessed with twins -Wanted to see how much the human body could handle before dying
Zyclon B- Gas Chambers
Final Solution By 1945 the Nazis had murdered 6 Million Jewish people Also “undesirables” - 5 million Roman Slavs (Gypsies), soviet POWs, Communists, and anyone else deemed inferior in German views
Did the Allies Know? Allies knew about concentration camps but deny knowing the extent of the horror -Yet planes flew over Auschwitz and trains photographed Liberated by the Red Army 1945
Nuremburg Trials 1945 the Allies established the International Military Tribunal in Nuremburg -Prosecute Nazi leaders and others for war crimes -12 sentenced to death -Most leaders in hiding (South America) -Excuse only taking orders -Hitler committed suicide in Berlin Bunker before capture
Tokyo Trials Trial to prosecute Japanese War Crimes -POWs experienced mass killings, experimentation, famine, torture, and forced labour -Camps in China