Imagine if this were real… xlK5lpB-HZ4
What is an illusion? p26nNgWAleI If religion is in fact false, then REVELATIONS (whether general or special) must be some sort of illusion and not actually real. Write this sentence into your books.
Definitions (write these down!) Illusion = a false idea or belief Reality = things as they truly are
Is religion an illusion? Ludwig Feuerbach thought so! God is nothing more than the qualities humans value exaggerated to give human beings something to strive towards. Studying what people say God is like gives them a better insight into what is important to humans (eg being loving, caring etc)
Is religion an illusion? Karl Marx thought so! ‘Religion is the opiate of the people’ Qualities that a society encourage are the same qualities used to describe God. If you believe in a God who will reward these qualities it will make you behave in a certain way.
Is religion an illusion? Sigmund Freud thought so! God was created by humans to avoid them taking responsibility for their own actions. If you believe God loves you, you can live in a hostile world. People delude themselves into being happy by claiming God is in control.
So, is God a reality? What arguments can you give AGAINST these theories? ‘There is no such thing as a religious revelation’ (6) Do you agree?