PATIENT ASSESSMENT Transportation Decision
2 Decision following the primary assessment Load and Go transport immediately because you have a patient with a life- or limb-threatening condition Stay and Treat the patient can be fully checked and treated prior to departure
4 Load And Go This is the attitude which you develop when a life threatening injury is found Continue life support Stabilize any major injuries as quickly as possible Administer oxygen Load the patient into a toboggan (preferably on a back board) or other means of transport, Transport to EMS
5 While waiting for transport, get the patient ready When transport arrives LOAD the patient and GO to advanced care Once you have begun this evacuation, you do not have time to complete the secondary assessment, apply extensive splinting or treat minor injuries
6 Load And Go Examples Airway control problems Inadequate breathing problems Circulatory problems including shock, cardiac chest pain or cardiac arrest Head injury with unconsciousness, decreasing or an altered level of consciousness Tender, rigid or distended abdomen Unstable pelvis Fractured femur Any other life-threatening injury or condition involving a priority
7 Stay and Treat If no life threatening injuries are found after primary assessment STAY and TREAT the patient when transportation arrives, then leave for more hospitable surroundings or further medical attention Be prepared to change to “Load & Go “ if a change occurs
8 Communication of Severity of Injury Communicate the condition of the patient and your transportation decision Request appropriate assistance and equipment Be concise and accurate Provide a summary of the abnormal findings of your primary assessment