Confidential document of Horizon Information Systems (HiSys). Exclusively for the use of HiSys employees and those authorized by HiSys. Unauthorized reproduction in any form is prohibited 1 ECC Fact sheet Engineering Contracting Compny, ECC, has been a HiSys customer for over 2 decades ECC is using ContraktSoft in its various versions since 1982
Confidential document of Horizon Information Systems (HiSys). Exclusively for the use of HiSys employees and those authorized by HiSys. Unauthorized reproduction in any form is prohibited 2 Arabian Construction Fact sheet In 1998 against stiff international competetion ContraktSoft was chosen by Arabian Construction Company for computerising all its operations. ContraktSoft has been been chosen by this giant group in six locations Middle East wide
Confidential document of Horizon Information Systems (HiSys). Exclusively for the use of HiSys employees and those authorized by HiSys. Unauthorized reproduction in any form is prohibited 3 QGPC Fact sheet In 1997 against an international tender HiSys was awarded the contract to scan, index and load to the host system 4 Million+ paper based drawings/ documents. Time taken 11 months 14 days, 45 days ahead of schedule Over documents were processed a day during the project.
Confidential document of Horizon Information Systems (HiSys). Exclusively for the use of HiSys employees and those authorized by HiSys. Unauthorized reproduction in any form is prohibited 4 EMIRATES Fact Sheet In 2001 February HiSys HR placed its first consultant with DNATA/ EMIRATES AIRLINES. HiSys HR is currently among the largest suppliers of consultants to EMIRATES. This growth was achieved in over 3 years against stiff international competition and some of the worst years for he Airline Industry and the IT Consulting Industry
Confidential document of Horizon Information Systems (HiSys). Exclusively for the use of HiSys employees and those authorized by HiSys. Unauthorized reproduction in any form is prohibited 5 GE Power Systems Fact Sheet In 2002 HiSys HR starting its outsourcing relation with GE Power Systems in Dubai, UAE HiSys HR is currently the largest outsourcing partner of GE in Gulf, with over 7 entities in 4 locations availing of HiSysHR services.
Confidential document of Horizon Information Systems (HiSys). Exclusively for the use of HiSys employees and those authorized by HiSys. Unauthorized reproduction in any form is prohibited 6 ZADCO Fact sheet In 1999 against an international tender HiSys was awarded the contract to scan, index and load to the host system over 200,000 engineering drawings and associated documents ranging in size from A4 to A0.. Time taken 13 months. much ahead of schedule