Tony Therattil
Ronnie from Jersey Shore “loves” Xenadrine, so it must be good….right?
Overview Xenadrine is a weight loss supplement Average weight loss= 21 lbs. Significance tests show significant results Key ingredients: Lipocore(combo of different herbs) and caffeine anhydrous (for increased energy)
Mechanism Factors Synephrine Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) B complex vitamins and vitamin C
Synephrine Contained in bitter orange Works on beta receptors (key to burning fat) Acts as an agonist Replaced ephedrine in many drugs
Vitamins B complex vitamins- increases metabolism and maintains muscle tone Vitamin C- considered to be an antioxidant that relieves oxidative stress on cells, so as to prevent cell damage -also can be a good source of energy
Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) Found in fish oils Originator molecule of acetylcholine Chemical needed to send messages through brain Enhances brain functioning increases overall functions in body (metabolism)
Side Effects Energy boost from caffeine Spots on skin from tyrosine Dehydration from increased functioning and body heat Circulatory issues Even some mental problems have been reported
Conclusion Cost: there are different types of Xenadrine that can vary from about $25 to $40 Xenadrine has had its fair share of lawsuits and complaints Xenadrine may help you lose weight but you should consult a doctor before you use it and watch out for any of the side effects