Outbound Travel Arrangements Monday 23 rd November Arrive to school for 845am with belongings. Register in hall with Miss Mogg & Mr Allman Wear suitable clothing for outdoor activity. Minibus transport to East Barnby am
Return Travel Arrangements Wednesday 25 th November Depart from East Barnby on minibus at 2pm. Arrive back to school ready for collection at 330pm. Please collect your child from the main hall fire exit. Access via KS2 playground.
Activity Outline Monday- Beck scramble Tuesday- Canoeing Wednesday- Ski Climb Activities will be done in two groups led by professional outdoor activity instructors supported by Mr Allman/Miss Mogg.
Day outline: Get up AM Breakfast8.30 AM Activity ( except Monday) AM PM Lunch12.30 PM Dinner5.30 PM Group evening activity ( Monday DVD and Tuesday Games) 6.30 PM Lights out PM
Sleeping Arrangements Children split by gender into separate bunked dorms. All children will have access to toilets and showers within dorm block. Showers have private cubicles. Children will be encouraged to use these each day. Children will have optional evening entertainment activities provided and quiet time offered. Lights out / Tech off by 830pm.
Meals Breakfast 8:30am Lunch 12:30pm (Sandwich choice pack-ups) Dinner 5:30pm (Hot Meal) Children may use spending money from tuck shop to purchase items during the day. Drinking water will be readily available.
Sickness or Injury Visit leaders will contact school directly. School will then contact parents to inform. Appropriate next steps will then be taken after this point. If you need to contact your child then please contact the school office.
Behavioural Expectations School rules at all times. Listening and following instructions. Respect for instructors and the potential dangers. Respect for others during evenings. Serious behaviour instances will result in parents being requested to collect children.