Should Monterey County increase funding for outdoor environmental education programs in Salinas? Krystal Schneider
Background Environmental Movement Social awareness 1993 Return of the Natives Non-profit organization Population growth in Salinas ~150,000 citizens
Policy Content Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water requirements control water pollution by regulating point sources and discharge water
Stakeholder Analysis For increasing Environmentalists Value: protection of the environment Claim: Assumption: Funding will create awareness within communities. Decreasing or Maintaining Education System Value: better testing scores Claim: Assumption:
Statement of Policy Options Increase funding Continue to decrease funding Maintain the current funding
Evaluation of Policy Options Effectiveness Community Acceptance Efficiency
Policy Options Effectiveness Community AcceptanceEfficiency Policy Option #1 Increase funding for outdoor environmental education programs in Salinas County. Pros: Increased funding for programs leads to an increase in environmental protection due to an increase of community awareness and concern. Cons: none Pros: The community understands how an increase in funding benefits the local environments and youths education. Cons: none Pros: The increase of funding is efficient in creating more environmental programs and not out weighting the benefits. Cons: decreases funding for other priorities in the city. Policy Option #2 Continue to decrease funding for outdoor environmental programs in Salinas County. Pros: none Cons: Does not enhance protection for the environment and natural resources. Pros: Community acceptance and support in funding going to other needs in Salinas. Cons: There is less awareness of environmental impacts, and the community does not understand what is trying to be achieved. Pros: There is an increase of funding for other priorities in Salinas, such as enforcement and health. Cons: Current environmental programs shut down due to low funding. Policy Option #3 Make no changes to the amount of funding for outdoor environmental education programs in Salinas County. Pros: Current funding protects the “current local projects” resulting in environmental protection. Cons: None. Pros: The community understands the need for funding for environmental programs Cons: Community members do not understand how this policy is supposed to widen its boundaries with a non- growing budget. Pros: Funding left for other priorities Cons: Funding is not at what it needs to be to be able to involve other schools.
Prioritization of Assumptions Protection of the Environment Community Awareness Education Federal Defense Medicare Health
Concessions Decreased funding for other priorities Citizens use of programs? No one really seams to know much about current policies Little authority from the environmental education supervisor (check name) Increased social awareness of impacts to the local environments Limitations
Consequences Community members are unaware Increased debris Natividad Creek Park Healthier environments Decreased pollution Implications
Justification Future One Earth Recommendation Increase funding!!! Conclusion