Small Wind Site Assessment Produced by the Institute for Sustainable Futures; UTS in partnership with the Alternative Technology Association and TAFE NSW - Northern Sydney Institute This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Energy Efficiency Training Program
Copyright and disclaimer The Office of Environment and Heritage and the State of NSW are pleased to allow this material to be used, reproduced and adapted, provided the meaning is unchanged and its source, publisher and authorship are acknowledged. The Office of Environment and Heritage has made all reasonable effort to ensure that the contents of this document are factual and free of error. However, the State of NSW and the Office of Environment and Heritage shall not be liable for any damage which may occur in relation to any person taking action or not on the basis of this document. Office of Environment and Heritage, Department of Premier and Cabinet Phone: (02) (switchboard) Website: 2
Small wind site assessment course Determining energy output from wind turbine Exercise (computer lab)
Determining energy output from wind turbine Slide 4 After this exercise you will understand how to Estimate turbine annual energy output the old-fashioned way Estimate turbine annual energy output using software
Small wind site assessment course Recap – Energy resource assessment
Small wind site assessment course Red flags Communicating uncertainties to customers
Identifying major issues or uncertainties at potential wind turbine sites Slide 7 Considering potential wind turbine sites, what are the obvious show- stoppers or significant risks?
Communicating these to customers Slide 8 How best to raise the red flags associated with the installation of the wind turbine, tower, and associated equipment?
Small wind site assessment course: Siting consideration summary: What’s key?
Siting considerations What is the first enemy of wind systems? What is the second enemy of wind systems? Slide 10
Remember… 1.Rougher surfaces due to complex terrain or ground clutter = gustier winds Gustier winds = ? 2.Towers do not grow, but what does? 3.What were the three most common mistakes? Slide 11
Siting to access quality winds 1.Vertical separation Start with the 10m/150m rule Get the rotor up there! Check for any displacement heights 2.Horizontal separation Minimize turbulence with distance Note prevailing wind direction Site upwind of obstacles Slide 12
Additional siting criteria 1.Highest elevation 2.Shortest cable run to point of interconnection 3.Maximum distance from neighbors 4.Compliance with local zoning for setbacks 5.Tower construction and erection 6.Crane access Slide 13
What is the minimum tower height for a serious wind turbine in Australia? 1.At the ground level to save on the ridiculous cost of the tower 2.Or on top of the roof 3.Or why not just leave it in the box 4.18m if… 24m if... (Sagrillo, 2009) Slide 14
Why a minimum? Slide m/150m rule – avoid turbulence or, if there are no tall obstructions within 150m, avoid ground drag and uneven pressure on the rotor: 2.If blade length <4.5m, the Minimum Tower Height = 18m + blade length 3.If blade length is >4.5m, Minimum Tower Height = 24m + blade length (Danish Wind Energy Association)
Where is the resource? Slide 16